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The Table Manager Flag Inbox, how to review flags, send them to the groups, resolve flags and restore previously resolved flags.

Ashley Harris avatar
Written by Ashley Harris
Updated over a week ago

Under Quality Control in the menu, select Table (Quality Control) Manager.

In the Quality Control Manager Flag Inbox you will see all flags. They are separated into tabs denoting their progress in the flag resolution workflow. A red dot next to the tab indicates that the tab has unreviewed activity on at least one flag. In each tab, the flags can be filtered to review only Technical Flags or only Canvasser flags. The lists of flags can be filtered by date, turf, and flag type.

Each tab can be sorted by Flag ID, the dates flags were created or the dates flags were last commented on. You can also choose to only display flags with new comments. 

Table Review

Once a flag is generated based on Visual QC or Phone Verification responses, it appears in the Table(Qc Manager) Review tab.  

In this tab, for each flag you will see the flag details. Each flag is given a unique flag ID number. This is displayed along with the flag name. Below this you can see the packet file name, the scan that triggered the flag and how long ago the flag was generated. 

The icons to the right indicate the packet’s progress in quality control. The eye icon represents Visual QC, the phone icon represents Phone Verification and the message icon represents notes. A check indicates that the packet has completed that portion of quality control. The packet above has completed Visual QC, has not completed Phone Verification and has one note. 

From the list, you can click ‘Delete’ to delete a flag created in error. Click ‘View’ to review the individual flag. 

You will see the flag ID and flag name at the top of page. Below, you will see the Action Plan for the flag type and room below for the group to add a resolution and responses. This Action Plan is populated from the Flag Resolution Guide, however the plan can be edited as needed by clicking the purple pencil icon to the right of the text box. 

Scroll down to view the flag details. 

You will see which scans generated the flag. You can click the scan number to view the responses to that scan below. Scroll down to see the packet(s) that generated the flag. On the right you will see a pdf display of the packet. If you would like to look at the scan in closer detail, click ‘View Scan.’ To compare multiple scans side-by-side click ‘Packet Gallery.’ 

Back in the flag view, scroll down below the scan pdf to see the shift details and review the responses that triggered this flag.  

Click ‘Inspect’ next to either of the responses to expand them and see what the particular issues were that generated the flag. 

You can redo visual QC responses if you think that the original response is not correct by clicking ‘Redo QC.’ Blocks stores a history of these revisions that will be displayed in registration reports. 

Phone verification details will show all call attempts and the results of those attempts. It will show you the response, the call time, the caller, any notes and what number the caller dialed for that attempt. 

You can also call through a packet again if necessary by clicking ‘Begin Call Session.’ 

Once you have reviewed the flag, the scans that triggered the flag, and the action plan, scroll back to the top of the flag view and click ‘Send Flag to Group (Field)’ to send the flag to the group to complete the prescribed action plan. 

The flag will then appear in the Group/Field Manager inbox for them to take action and respond accordingly. 

Awaiting Group (Field) QC Action

After the flag has been sent to the group and while the group completes the action plan, the flag will appear in the ‘Awaiting Group (Field) QC Action’ tab.  

In the flags list, you will see a red dot to the right of the flag name for any flags with new or unread comments from the group. 

Click ‘View’ next to the flag to review new comments and monitor group progress on the action plan.  

You can also add comments here by clicking on the purple ‘Comment’ button. These notes will be visible to the group staff and how you communicate progress or guidance between quality control staff and groups. 

Enter your note text and click ‘Save’ to save and post your comment. 

Awaiting Resolution

Once the group has completed the prescribed action plan for a flag and documented their completion in the flag comments, they will mark the flag as ready for resolution. Once this is done, the flag will appear in the Awaiting Resolution tab. 

Click View next to the flags to review the original action plan on the flag and the group’s comments. If the group has completed the action plan sufficiently, click ‘Mark as Resolved.’

Marking a flag as resolved will complete the flag workflow and will move the flag to the resolved tab. 


Once a flag is marked as resolved its record is preserved in the ‘Resolved’ tab.  

You can see that this tab’s default view filters to flags from the current week. If you would like to look at flags prior to this date range, you can adjust the date filter at any time. 

Click ‘View’ to view a resolved flag. 

Once in the flag, if necessary, you can add a comment and restore the flag. 

Clicking this option will move the flag back to the Awaiting Group (Field) QC Action tab and the Group (Field) Manager flag inbox. This is not an option for technical flags requiring re-upload as by the time the flag is restored there will be a new packet attached to the shift.  

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