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How to do Visual QC

How to complete Visual QC on a packet in your qc worklist for the day

Ashley Harris avatar
Written by Ashley Harris
Updated over a week ago

In your QC worklist, click on the Visual QC tab. You will see packets with the status of ‘ready for qc’, which means that the packet has not yet started Visual QC, but is ready. You will also see packets with the status of ‘in qc’, meaning that someone has started visual QC on the packet, but has not completed it. 

Click the purple ‘Review’ button to the right of the packet details to begin Visual QC. 

The packet you have chosen to review will expand to display the pdf of the scans. On the left you will see a list of all of your packets assigned for Visual QC. On the right, you will see a pdf display of the scans you will be reviewing. 

To see the scan in a larger format, click ‘View Scan’ on the top right of the pdf display.  You can also compare scans side-by-side by clicking ‘Packet Gallery.’ 

This gallery comparison can help you better identify similar handwriting issues or quickly identify technical issues such as blurry scans and redaction issues. 

Scroll down in your worklist to submit Visual QC responses. 

You can use the arrows at the bottom of the page to move to different scans. If some of the scans in the packet have already been reviewed and you are simply completing QC on the packet, you can click the checkbox to skip reviewed scans and go directly to the scans that sill need responses.  

First, you will select the county of residence that is listed on the registration form. 

If there is not a county listed on the form, you can use the county lookup tool. 

Click on ‘County Lookup’ to open a search field. You will also see an option to close the county lookup tool or to cancel county lookup in the bottom right of the page. 

Enter the address from the form in the search field to proceed with county lookup. The results will populate underneath, displaying the county of the address, city and state. 

Click ‘Set County’ to set the resulting county as the county for the form. The lookup tool will close and you will see the county is selected. From here, you can continue to submit the appropriate Visual QC responses for the form. 

Once you have added a county, you will be able to either ‘Approve Form’ or select that it ‘Needs Attention.’  

If you click ‘Approve Form’ you will be advanced to the next scan and will see a pop-up confirming that your response has been submitted.


If you click that the form needs attention, you will then be prompted to enter the issues found on the form. 

Click the arrows next to each issue category to select the specific issue that has been spotted. 

Below your selected issues, you can add notes for context and detail. For example, if you select ‘Handwriting looks the same as others in the packet,’ you can add a note explaining which forms look similar. 

Click ‘Save’ to save your responses. 

Once you have completed Visual QC on a packet, the packet will move to the Phone Verification tab of your inbox. You will then be able to do Phone Verification on the packet if your user account has phone verification permissions. 

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