Blue Onion’s proprietary reconciliation logic will automatically reconcile all payment processor payouts to the order, refund, or other payment records contained in each deposit. This reconciliation logic is then used to create deposit records in NetSuite for each payout. In scenarios in which the relevant NetSuite records do not reconcile to the payout data, Blue Onion will allow you to post the transaction by adjusting for the variance in two different ways.
To navigate to the variance adjustment page, click on the “View” link on the relevant line for the unreconciled payout:
Clicking the “View” link will lead you to the Payout Reconciliation Details page:
The payout above for $5,068.87 shows a variance of $115.83 when reconciled against the NetSuite records. This can be resolved in two ways:
1. Manually including relevant payment records in the deposit:
The detail payout page will include any NetSuite General Ledger (GL) records that are tied to any of the payment process or payment records in the payout. If you would like to include those record(s) in the payout, select the relevant checkbox in the “General Ledger Transactions” page. The “Total Variance” total will adjust to include this transaction.
2. Adjust via Cashback or Other Deposit line item:
If there are adjustments unrelated to a NetSuite GL record that need to be added to the deposit in order to reconcile to the bank payout, line items may be added to the Other Deposit or Cashback sections of the deposit instead, under the “Variances Adjustments” section:
The GL impact will mirror the regular NetSuite Cashback/Other Deposit workflow, in which the positive (Other Deposit) values added will debit the relevant bank account cash and credit the selected GL account. Negative values (Cashback) will debit the selected general ledger account and credit the bank account.
Once line items have been added to reduce the variance to zero, the transaction can be pushed to NetSuite from this screen.