Amazon does not provide the fulfillment data for orders that are fulfilled or shipped by the merchant directly (FBM). Generally, our customers have their FBM fulfillment data available to them internally or from their fulfillment center. To show Amazon Seller orders that were fulfilled by the merchant (FBM) in Blue Onion, you can send us an upload template with the fulfillment data.
Steps to complete the FBM upload template:
Find the unfulfilled Amazon orders in the Blue Onion Order Line Items Report.
Look up the ship date and time from internal or 3PL shipping reports to the Blue Onion Export.
Paste the Order ID, SKU, Quantity, and Ship Date into the template.
Email the FBM Upload Template to Blue Onion at
Find the Unfulfilled Amazon Orders in Blue Onion
All fulfillment data is recorded at the order line item level. To find all orders that are still listed as unfulfilled as of a certain date, we will use the Order Line Item Source Data page of the Blue Onion app. This can be found by navigating to the Order Line Item option under the Source Data dropdown on the lefthand navigation bar in the app.
Once on the Order Line Item Page, add the filter named Unfulfilled as of and select the end date of the period you would like. Add the Order Sources filter and select Amazon Seller. Remove the Fulfillment Created At filter. Export the results.
Look Up the Ship Date and Time From Your Shipping Reports
Once you receive the emailed report, filter the report for only the FBM orders using the SKU or Line Item ID if available (often the SKU or Line Item ID will end in FBM). If not, we will use the internal or 3PL shipment data to identify which line items are FBA vs FBM.
Once you have isolated only the FBM orders, create a unique lookup ID by concatenating the Order ID, the SKU, and the quantity. This ensures that we are always matching on each of these three fields. We use the following formula to do this:
=CONCAT([Order ID Cell],[SKU Cell],[Quantity Cell]) or =CONCAT(A2,B2,C2)
The same will need to be done with your shipment data from your internal or 3PL records.
Once we have a unique key on each side, we can use this to look up the shipped date and time from your records in the Blue Onion Order Line Items Export.
Paste the Order ID, SKU, Quantity, and Ship Date into the Template
Once you have brought in the shipped date and/or time, you are ready to paste the fields into the template. Below is an example of a completed template. Re-save the file with a naming convention of your choice.
π‘ It is important that the format of the Order ID and SKU match what is in Blue Onion exactly. Failure to do so will cause errors when it is ingested and result in delays in your data being updated.
Email the Template to Blue Onion Customer Success
After you have saved the template with all the necessary information, email it to
If you have any questions, please also email