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BlueGive FAQs
Updated this week

General / Account FAQs

What is a donor advised fund (DAF)?

  • A donor advised fund (DAF) is a charitable giving vehicle designed to invest, grow, and give assets to charities for meaningful and lasting impact.

What is the GiveClear™ Foundation? Is it a nonprofit organization (NPO)?

  • GiveClear™ Foundation is a tax-exempt nonprofit organization and public charity under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3). As a Donor Advised Fund Sponsoring organization, GiveClear provides the BlueGive Donor Advised Fund at Blue Trust.

  • As such, it receives your contributions, invests them in approved BlueTrust investment vehicles and distributes the money whenever you choose to recommend a grant to any of over 1.5 million approved, 501(c)(3)-qualified organizations and projects.

  • As a Donor Advised Fund Sponsor, all contributed funds become the property of GiveClear Foundation.

Is there a minimum balance to get started?

  • No, there is no minimum balance requirement.

How do I view my DAF clients?

  • As an advisor, if a new client has been added to the platform you can reach out to and we will add you to their DAF account.

Can I change the name of my DAF account?

  • Yes, you can edit the name of your DAF by hovering over the pencil icon next to the "Add Funds" tab on the overview page. Advisor's can also update the DAF name on their client dashboard by clicking the three dots next to the right of the DAF they'd like to change and clicking "Edit Fund Name."

How do I change my client's email address associated with their BlueGive account?

  • Advisor's can use their client dashboard to edit client details, including name, email, and DAF Fund Name.

  • Advisor's will login to BlueGive > click All Funds > click the three dots next to the client's name > Edit Client Details > enter the new email address.

Does the BlueGive invitation link ever expire?

  • No, it never expires! If you need to Resend an Invite, go to your All Funds dashboard > click the three dots next to the client's name with a pending invitation status > Resend or Delete the Invite.

Do you have a support phone number I can call when I have questions?

  • Yes! Our Support Phone Number is: (201) 674-8148

How do I update my user login email?

  • To update your login email, please reach out to your advisor who can update your email through their advisor dashboard.

  • If you are an advisor who needs to update their email, please contact

How do I reset my client's password?

  • To reset your client's password, navigate to the BlueGive login landing page at > click "Need Help Signing In" > Forgot password. From there, enter your client's email address and send a password reset email. Make sure the donor checks their spam folder.

Can I add my spouse, friend, or child to the account?

  • Yes! As long as they are over the age of 18, you can invite them as a family member to create their BlueGive account. You can then allocate funds to their account and they can start giving.

Why is my family member balance $0?

  • As a family member, and since no funds are allocated to you, you are seeing $0. Family members can only see the amount allocated to them, and don't have access to view the balance of the Head of Household’s account or any grants made by the head of household. We’re currently working on a feature that will allow the head of the DAF to grant full access to family members and should be available soon.

Can I limit the email notifications I’ll receive on my account activity?

  • Yes. In your profile page settings you can set your communication preferences regarding the progress of any grants or contributions.

Tax Receipts & Documents

Are clients notified that their 2024 tax receipt can be downloaded?

  • No, we do not send notifications when the tax receipt is ready to download. Clients can find their tax receipt on the platform by clicking the Documents icon in the top right corner and generating a Tax Receipt.

Will the tax receipt show the date we entered the details?

  • The tax receipt will show the date we received the contribution, not the date the details were entered into the platform.

Can I get physical copies of tax receipts mailed to me?

  • Paper receipts are not provided for BlueGive by Blue Trust accounts. However, you can download tax receipts for all your charitable contributions. Just go to the “Documents” section of the account dashboard to get started.

What should I do if I think my tax receipt is incorrect?

  • It may take up to five business days for a recent contribution to be reflected in the account tax receipt. If after 5 days it still looks incorrect, then please reach out to and they can assist you.

When will my Account Statement be ready?

  • Account Statements are generated each quarter and available in the document section of your dashboard under the Account Statements tab.

Why do multiple names for the same person appear in the Tax Receipt dropdown?

  • If names aren't entered consistently (i.e. multiple variations of the same name were used for the contributions), our system treats it as different people. Please ensure the same name is used for consistency purposes.

Investments & Fund Growth

Can I choose how my DAF assets are invested?

  • To change your investment allocation for your DAF funds, you will have to reach out to your advisor as this can only be done at the advisor level.

  • Through a conversation with the client, advisors can either invest their client's DAF assets into BlueGive commingled funds, comprised of the BlueTrust Strategic Stock and Strategic Bond funds, or set up a Separately Managed Account.

Does the "cash" in my DAF sit in a money market or cash USD?

  • The funds that are not allocated towards the Strategic Stock or Strategic Bond funds sit in a cash pool, which is targeted to be 90% SGOV and 10% USD.

  • For example, let's say I have a $1M DAF and I have $800K in the 60/40 model and $200K in "cash". $180K of the cash would earn interest from SGOV while $20k would not earn any interest and remain in USD.

If we were using a 60%/40% Strategic Stock/Bond blended model in an SMA, how would that differ from using the 60/40 Strategic Stock/Bond commingled pool and not utilizing a SMA?

  • Assuming the two stated models are referring to the ones provided via the BlueTrust investment team, the underlying investments would not differ.

How often are the commingled funds rebalanced or investments shifted around to track the actual solution?

  • Rebalancing occurs on a quarterly basis.

How often can I change my DAF investment allocations?

  • You may update your investment allocation at any time, however, it is important to note that the underlying securities need to be actively traded when updating your investment allocation. Therefore, it is not recommended to change your investment allocation more than once in a 7-day window.

What happens if my DAF investments lose value?

  • Like any investment, DAF assets are subject to market fluctuations, and losses may reduce the amount available for granting.

Are investment returns in my DAF subject to taxes?

  • No, all investment growth within a DAF is tax-free, maximizing the potential for charitable giving.

Where can I see interest earned on DAF assets and how frequently is that posted?

  • To see your account activity, including interest earned, you can access your account statements under Documents. These statements provide an overview of your charitable giving activity, including account balances, contributions, grants, fees, and investment performance.

Is it possible to make a private investment within my BlueGive DAF or an investment into a credit fund?

  • Yes, we do allow private investments to be held inside the DAF. So far, we have the following approved:

    • Blue Owl Credit Income Corp. (OCIC)

    • Carlyle Tactical Credit (CTAC) - I Share and N Share

    • Blue Owl Real Estate Net Lease Trust (ORENT)

    • Partners Group Private Equity Master Fund

    • AMG Pantheon Fund

    • iDirect Private Markets Fund (iDPE)

    • Blackstone Real Estate Investment Trust (BREIT)

  • Please reach out to if you are looking for additional funds not shown on the list provided.

    When investing a BlueGive SMA into alternative investments, does BlueGive sign those or does the client sign those?

    GiveClear signs the subscription documents for the fund, as GiveClear is the investment of record. Any required signatures from the investor would be made by GiveClear.

Fees & Costs

What are the admin fees for my DAF?

  • A 60 bps (.60%) annual fee is assessed on held balances for the first $1,000,000.

  • For all amounts over $1,000,000, BlueGive assess fees equal to 20 bps (.20%).

  • For all amounts over $2,500,000, BlueGive assesses fees equal to 10 bps (.10%)

  • BlueGive does not charge account minimum fees

How are the admin fees calculated and billed?

  • It is an annual fee that is calculated daily and billed monthly. The fee is assessed daily as 1/365th, and then totaled at the end of the month to assess the monthly fee.

Where can I find the sub-advisory fee associated with my donor advised fund?

  • You can find the sub-advisory fee under the Contribute tab. You will see your Sub-advisory basis points and fees earned in the top left tile.

Are there additional costs for managing investments within my DAF?

  • There are no additional investment management fees beyond the administrative fee. Advisors do have the option of charging a sub-advisory fee on DAF assets.

Does my BlueGive or GiveClear charge transaction fees for grants?

  • No, there are no transaction fees associated with grants.

Where do I add my advisory fees and where the fees get paid to?

  • There are two options for adding sub advisory fees to a client’s DAF account:

    • You may set a sub-advisory fee between (0-100bps) in the the client invitation process.

    • Edit or Adjust the sub-advisory fee after the client has onboarded by clicking the pencil icon within the top left tile on your Contribute tab.

Successors, Beneficiaries & Legacy Planning

What happens to my DAF after I pass away?

  • GiveClear will distribute DAF assets according to your instructions, either to named successors or charitable beneficiaries.

How can I add a succession plan to a BlueGive by Blue Trust account?

  • You can create a succession plan by naming a successor advisor, a charitable beneficiary, or a combination of both in the “My Profile” section of the account dashboard.

  • A successor advisor takes on the role of donor upon the death, resignation, or disqualification of the original donor. In this capacity, they have the ability to recommend grants and investment allocations, as well as name and remove a future successor advisor.

  • A charitable organization can be named as the beneficiary if the original donor prefers to have all or a percentage of the remaining account assets granted to a charitable organization upon their death, resignation or disqualification.

Can I designate multiple successors to my DAF?

  • Yes, BlueGive allows clients to name multiple successors, each receiving a portion of the DAF balance to continue giving.

Can I leave my DAF balance to multiple charities instead of successors?

  • Yes, you can designate one or more charities to receive the remaining balance upon your passing.

Can I name a non-US resident as a successor of a DAF?

  • No, the successor must meet the same requirements/terms as the original donor of the DAF-which includes being a US resident.

Can I add my BlueGive DAF to an estate or will?

  • Yes, to add a BlueGive DAF to your estate or will, the funds should be granted to:

    • GiveClear™ Foundation (Tax ID 81-3222963)

    • For Further Credit to BlueGive by Blue Trust, {Insert DAF Name} {insert DAF Fund ID}

My client listed their DAF in their estate documents as "BlueGive" as a remainder of their trust. Is this acceptable, or will they need to put the full DAF name?

  • To name your BlueGive DAF in any estate documents, please use the full BlueGive DAF name and the DAF Account Number held at the BlueGive DAF sponsor, GiveClear Foundation to avoid any confusion.

  • For example: "Louise Family DAF at the GiveClear Foundation. Fund Number: 7428cab137bd".

  • The fund name is decided by the client or advisor and the DAF account number is created upon completion of your BlueGive account setup. Both can be found on the DAF Overview page.

Can I allocate a dollar amount instead of a percentage for my succession plan?

  • No, unfortunately we don’t currently support allocating a specific dollar amount.

  • It's more ideal to use a percentage of the DAF, as the available balance may change over time. If we set a dollar amount and the DAF balance is lower than that amount, it could cause issues. Using a percentage ensures the succession plan is more adaptable to any fluctuations in the balance.

Can I set up a contingent Successor?

  • Currently, we’re unable to set up contingent successors. However, we are able to store contingency successor in our backend files. Please send an email to letting them know the contingency plan for your donor advised fund.

    Please send us an email with the name of the DAF, the name(s) of the contingent successor(s), their email addresses, and the percentage for each (if there are multiple). The total percentage must equal 100%. Once we have this information, we will store it in our backend file.

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