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BlueGive FAQs
Updated over 4 months ago

Account Questions

What is a donor advised fund (DAF)?

  • A donor advised fund (DAF) is a charitable giving vehicle designed to invest, grow, and give assets to charities for meaningful and lasting impact. Contributions may be eligible for a tax deduction, and investment growth is typically tax-free. *

*Note that contributions are eligible for a tax deduction only in circumstances where the taxpayer itemizes deductions and that tax deductions for charitable contributions are subject to certain limitations.

Is there a minimum balance to get started and do I have to maintain it?

  • No, there is no minimum contribution amount at this time.

What are the admin fees for my DAF?

  • A 60 bps (.60%) annual fee is assessed on held balances for the first $1,000,000.

    For all amounts over $1,000,000, BlueGive assess fees equal to 20 bps (.20%).

    For all amounts over $2,500,000, BlueGive assesses fees equal to 10 bps (.10%)

    BlueGive does not charge account minimum fees

    It is an annual fee that is calculated daily and billed monthly. The fee is assessed daily as 1/365th, then we total it at the end of the month to assess the monthly fee.

Do I need an appraisal or Form 8283?

  • You may be required to file Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Form 8283 with your tax return to report information about noncash charitable contributions, if the amount of your deduction for all noncash contributions during the year is greater than $500, before applying any AGI limits.

  • Qualified appraisals are generally required for hard to value assets and therefore not required when donating marketable securities and cash through BlueGive by Blue Trust account. Please consult your tax advisor for more information.

Can a private foundation leverage a BlueGive by Blue Trust account?

  • At this time, a private foundation may make a grant to a BlueGive by Blue Trust account. The foundation would need to make a grant to GiveClear™ Foundation, the nonprofit organization that sponsors the account.

Can I add my spouse, friend, or child to the account?

  • Yes! As long as they are over the age of 18, you can invite them as a family member to create their BlueGive account. You can then allocate funds to their account and they can start giving.

What is GiveClear™? Is it a nonprofit organization (NPO)?

  • GiveClear™ Foundation is a tax-exempt nonprofit organization and public charity under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3). As a Donor Advised Fund Sponsoring organization, GiveClear provides the BlueGive Donor Advised Fund at Blue Trust.

  • As such, it receives your contributions, invests them in approved Blue Trust investment vehicles and distributes the money whenever you choose to recommend a grant to any of over 1.5 million approved, 501(c)(3)-qualified organizations and projects.

  • As a Donor Advised Fund Sponsor, all contributed funds become the property of GiveClear Foundation.

How can I add a succession plan to a BlueGive by Blue Trust account?

  • You can create a succession plan by naming a successor advisor, a charitable beneficiary, or a combination of both in the “My Profile” section of the account dashboard.

  • A successor advisor takes on the role of donor upon the death, resignation, or disqualification of the original donor. In this capacity, they have the ability to recommend grants and investment allocations, as well as name and remove a future successor advisor.

  • A charitable organization can be named as the beneficiary if the original donor prefers to have all or a percentage of the remaining account assets granted to a charitable organization upon their death, resignation or disqualification.

Can I get physical copies of tax receipts mailed to me?

  • Paper receipts are not provided for BlueGive by Blue Trust accounts. However, you can download tax receipts for all your charitable contributions. Just go to the “Documents” section of the account dashboard to get started.

What should I do if I think my tax receipt is incorrect?

  • It may take up to five business days for a recent contribution to be reflected in the account tax receipt. If after 5 days it still looks incorrect, then please reach out to and they can assist you.

Does the "cash" in my DAF sit in a money market or cash USD?

  • The funds that are not allocated towards any of the strategic stock and bond funds sit in a cash pool, which is targeted to be 90% SGOV and 10% USD. For example, let's say I have a $1M DAF and I have $800K in the 60/40 model and $200K in "cash". $180K of the cash would earn interest from SGOV while $20k would not earn any interest and remain in USD.

Does the client choose their DAF investment allocation or does BlueGive make allocation decisions?

  • The investment options are commingled funds comprised of the Blue Trust Strategic Stock and Strategic Bond funds.

  • On the Invest page (screenshots below), advisors can choose the equity / bond allocation between each strategy for your client's DAF.

If we were using a 60%/40% Strategic Stock/Strategic Bond solution mix in a currently managed SMA, then how would that differ from using the 60/40 Strategic Stock/Strategic Bond co-mingled pool and not utilizing a SMA?

  • Assuming the two stated models are referring to the ones provided via the RBT investment team, the underlying investments would not differ.

How often are the co-mingled pools rebalanced or investments shifted around to track the actual solution?

  • Rebalancing occurs on a quarterly basis.

Where can I find the sub-advisory fee associated with my donor advised fund?

  • You can find that under the contribute tab in the top left corner

Can I add my BlueGive DAF to an estate or will?

  • To add a BlueGive DAF to your estate or will, please note that the funds should be granted to:

    • GiveClear™ Foundation (Tax ID 81-3222963)

    • For Further Credit to BlueGive by Blue Trust, {Insert DAF Name} {insert DAF Fund ID}

Can I make an internal BlueGive DAF transfer? For example, my son has a BlueGive DAF and I'd like to send him gift from my DAF balance.

  • Yes! Here are the steps

    • DAF A (the DAF that is sending the gift) submits a grant to The GiveClear Foundation and uses the grant notes to specify where the gift is going, in this case you would enter DAF B's (the receiving DAF) DAF ID and name

    • DAF B enter's an external DAF transfer intent to contribute under the contribution tab within BlueGive and enters the details for the gift coming from DAF A.

Why is the value of my security contribution on the tax receipt different from the value that was added to my DAF balance?

  • Donors get tax credit for the value of the security when the change in ownership happened (from donor to DAF sponsor). Change in ownership happens when the DAF sponsor (GiveClear Foundation) receives the security in their account.

    Liquidation happens the same day as long as the funds were received before 2pm EST, otherwise liquidation happens the next business day. The actual proceeds from that liquidation is what gets added to the DAF balance.

How do I change my client's email address associated with their BlueGive account?

  • click All DAF's--> click the three dots next to the client's name--> Edit Client Details--> enter the new email address

Contribution Questions

What happens when I make a contribution?

  • GiveClear™ Foundation, the nonprofit organization that sponsors the BlueGive by Blue Trust account, will post the proceeds to your account.

  • Additionally: When you make an initial cash contribution, it may take up to three business days before you can use the proceeds to recommend grants and investments.

  • For all your subsequent cash contributions, it may take up to five business days before the proceeds are available.

Who owns the funds after I make a contribution?

  • Once your charitable contribution is posted in the account, it becomes the property of GiveClear™ Foundation, the nonprofit organization that sponsors the BlueGive by Blue Trust account. GiveClear will help you make charitable grants using your contributions.

How long does it take for a contribution to process?

  • When you make your initial contribution, the funds will be transferred on the same business day if submitted prior to 11:00 PM ET. If submitted after 11:00 PM ET on a business day or on a weekend, the funds will be transferred on the next business day.

  • Depending on the processing time of the bank you’re transferring from, it may take up to 10 days to process each of your subsequent contributions.

Is there a fee for making a contribution?

  • GiveClear™ Foundation, the nonprofit organization that sponsors the BlueGive by Blue Trust account, won’t charge you a fee for making a contribution.

Can I get my money back after I make a contribution?

  • No. Your contribution into the BlueGive account is a charitable contribution and as such, it is irrevocable.

What can I contribute?

  • You can contribute cash, stocks, mutual funds, ETFs, or transfer external DAFs to a BlueGive by Blue Trust account. You also have the option to contribute complex gifts such as real estate, crypto currency, art, and much more.

What bank accounts are eligible for electronic funds transfer (EFT)?

  • You can make contributions by EFT from any personal savings or checking account at a U.S. bank. The account registration should match the corresponding registration on your bank account.

Can I contribute IRA or 401(k) funds to my DAF account?

  • You can name a BlueGive by Blue Trust account as the beneficiary of an IRA or other retirement plan. Contact your plan administrator for instructions. Donor Advised Funds are not eligible recipients for an IRA Charitable Rollover. Below are the details you'll need to know:

IRA assets can be distributed to charities immediately or over time upon death. To name your DAF as a beneficiary of your IRA, you will need distribution instructions for the DAF’s sponsoring charity: GiveClear. While charity distributions instructions may differ across originating firm form requirements, please be sure to include the following detail:

  • Charity legal name: The GiveClear Foundation

  • Charity EIN: 81-3222963

  • Charity mailing address: 1235 East Blvd Ste E, PMB 1836, Charlotte, NC 28203

  • Donor Advised Fund at Charity: provide unique name or number

    **Note: Federal tax laws do not permit donors to make a qualified charitable distribution or rollover of funds from an IRA to a donor advised fund. Distributions from traditional IRA to the Fund are recognized as taxable income by the IRA owner. However, the IRA owner may be eligible for a potential charitable income tax deduction up to the amount of the IRA distribution. The distribution may be counted towards the IRA owner’s required minimum distribution for the year. Donors should consult their tax advisors to understand the tax implications of a distribution from an IRA to The GiveClear Foundation.

What happens to my contributions in a BlueGive by Blue Trust account?

  • You can recommend a grant to an IRS-qualified public charity using the available funds in the account.

  • If you’re not ready to recommend a grant yet, you can recommend an investment for your account from a variety of Blue Trust investment vehicles. However, if you don’t make an investment recommendation, your contributions will be invested in the Cash and Short-Term Pool by default.

Can someone else give money to my account as a third-party contributor?

  • Yes! When making a contribution, choose Other within the contributor drop down-->enter the contributor's name. Whomever is the head of household for the DAF will need to download and send the tax receipt to this contributor.

How can I transfer funds from an existing donor-advised fund with another provider to a BlueGive by Blue Trust account?

  • To make your transfer, open a BlueGive by Blue Trust account.

  • Contact your current DAF provider and recommend a grant to “GiveClear™ Foundation” (EIN# 81-3222963).

  • Please be sure to include your full name and BlueGive by Blue Trust account number in your grant request. You can find the account number in the account confirmation email, which you’ll receive once the account opening process is complete.

Where can I track the status of my recent contribution?

  • To track the status of any contribution click on the Contributions tab at the top of the overview page--> below you will see the contribution history table. You can click on the contribution to view the contribution timeline.

What is the last date to contribute to a BlueGive by Blue Trust account for tax deduction eligibility in the current year?

  • Typically, you will want to initiate your charitable transfer of cash or securities so that GiveClear™ can receive the contributed asset before December 31st.

  • To receive an official receipt for your charitable contribution in a given tax year, the contribution must be received by GiveClear prior to December 31st in the same year. Please note that processing times may vary, and GiveClear and Blue Trust are not responsible for delays.

I submitted the wrong contribution amount. Can I cancel the contribution?

  • Generally, contributions are irrevocable once received and accepted by GiveClear™ Foundation, the non-profit organization that sponsors the account.

What should I do if the contribution balance looks incorrect?

  • It may take up to five business days for a recent contribution to be reflected in the account balance. If it still looks incorrect after 5 days, please reach out to and they can assist you.

Do you know if SMA transfers can be made from NCF to BlueGive in kind or does the account need to be liquidated first?

  • NCF does not allow in-kind DAF transfers. You will need to liquidate the account first, and then create a gift out of the NCF DAF to the GiveClear Foundation in the full amount of the DAF.

What is GiveClear Foundation's mailing address?

  • GiveClear Foundation
    1235 East Blvd
    Ste. E PMB 1836
    Charlotte, NC 28203

How do I make a one-time cash contribution?

  • Choose the below option, and follow the instructions from there

How soon after receipt are shares liquidated?

  • The tax receipt is generated once we receive the shares in the GiveClear Foundation account, which is usually the same day the shares are liquidated. The only time the shares are not liquidated the same day is if we receive them after 2pm EST. In that case, they would be liquidated the next day.

I know the value of a gift is the average of the high and the low share price on the day the shares were gifted. Does Blue Give calculate this for the donor?

  • he platform calculates the tax value of the gift (shares received) which is the average of the share price high and low on receipt date.

Can I gift cryptocurrency to into my DAF?

  • We certainly can receive cryptocurrency gifts, but we would file this under the complex gift label and work with the Charitable Solutions to help process and liquidate the funds. Please reach out to if you're interested in gifting cryptocurrency.

Is there fee for credit card contributions?

  • Yes, there is a 3% fee

Granting Questions

Can I use a check or credit card to make grants from my account?

  • No. GiveClear™ Foundation, the nonprofit organization that sponsors the BlueGive by Blue Trust account, will make all grant transactions on your behalf.

Is there a minimum grant amount?

  • Yes, the minimum is $50

Where can I give?

  • You can recommend a grant to any IRS-qualified public charity that’s in good standing with the IRS and the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). Churches and Universities can also receive gifts from a DAF and are not required to register with the IRS.

I do not see my charity, what do I do?

There are a few reasons you may not see your charity:

  1. Some newer charities, churches, or universities may not be in our charity database. If this is the case, you can request to have the charity added via our charity submission request process. Here's an article with more information.

  2. Our search feature only includes IRS-approved 501(c)(3) public charities. If your intended charity doesn’t appear in our search results, please contact the organization to inquire about their 501(c)(3) status and the official name they’ve registered with the IRS.

  3. Additionally, GiveClear™ Foundation requires that grantees be listed in IRS publication 78. It will not make grants directly to: individuals; supporting organizations; private non-operating foundations; terrorist organizations or organizations that finance or support terrorism; organizations listed or affiliated with persons listed on the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List, as published by the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control; or any other organization that it determines, at its sole discretion, is not an eligible grantee.

Is my grant tax-deductible?

  • No. Account contributions are immediately eligible for itemized tax deductions, but you can’t claim deductions for your grant recommendations because the deduction has already happened when you made the contribution.

What is an IRS-qualified public charity?

  • It’s a charitable organization that has filed an exemption application (Form 1023) with the IRS for tax-exempt status under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3), and has received a determination letter indicating that it’s been approved.

What is the GiveClear™ Foundation’s grant review process?

  • All grant recommendations are reviewed to:

    • Confirm that the grantee is a public charity in good standing with the IRS and the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC).

    • Verify that all grants will be used solely for charitable purposes and will not confer more than an incidental benefit on the donor or related parties.

    • Grant recommendations are reviewed for available funds.

  • As grants are reviewed and approved, the grants are made to the approved charity.

How do I recommend grants?

  • Go to the account dashboard. Use the search feature to find and choose your favorite charity using the charity’s name or its federal employer identification number (EIN) (XX-XXXXXXX).

  • Choose “Grant” to enter the amount of your recommended grant, indicate if you want to make the grant on a recurring basis, and specify if you want to make your grant anonymously.

  • Choose “Grant” again to finalize the process.

I’d like to raise money for my charity using a BlueGive by Blue Trust account. Is that possible?

  • You can’t make third-party contributions to an account at this time.

How do I specify a special purpose for my grant?

  • Subject to certain limitations, you can specify a special purpose for your grant when you make your grant recommendation. Keep in mind that you cannot make any grants to benefit yourself or your relatives.

What does “more than incidental benefit” mean? Why do I need to attest that no goods or services are being received?

  • Your grant recommendations must be made for charitable purposes from which no more than an incidental benefit is derived.

  • This means you can’t make any grants to attend an event, purchase tickets, or pay for auction items. You’re also prohibited from making grants with the agreement that goods or services will be provided in exchange.

Can I make a grant to cover the cost of a membership, to attend a charitable or fundraising gala, or for the tax-deductible part of a ticket for a charity event?

  • No, you can’t make any split grants from a charitable account.

  • Any grant intended to pay for all or a part of a ticket to a charitable event will not be fulfilled. This policy is based on the Pension Protection Act of 2006, which includes rules for donor-advised funds.

Can I support a pledge using a BlueGive by Blue Trust account?

  • You can recommend grants to fulfill a nonbinding pledge, but you can’t use them to fulfill any of your binding legal obligations.

Can I make a grant to support a friend’s or relative’s “GoFundMe”?

  • You can’t make grants to crowdfunding organizations that aren’t qualified as a public charity with the IRS. To support someone who’s participating in an activity for charity, you can recommend a grant to the charity itself.

Can I make a grant to support a scholarship or pay tuition?

  • You can’t make a grant to an educational institution to cover tuition for an individual. However, you can make grants to support a scholarship program that is administered by a qualified public charity.

Can I use funds to buy a ticket or seat at a sporting event?

  • No. You’re prohibited from making a grant that provides personal benefit that’s more than incidental.

Can I make a grant to my political party?

  • No. You’re prohibited from making grants that will be used for lobbying purposes or to support a political campaign.

Can I give to international charities?

  • Subject to certain limitations, you can recommend a grant to a U.S.-based charity that works overseas and can fulfill the intended charitable activity.

Can you send the grant check to me so that I can hand-deliver it?

  • No. All grant checks are delivered by GiveClear™ Foundation, the nonprofit organization that sponsors the BlueGive by Blue Trust account.

Can I make my grant anonymously?

  • Yes, you can choose to make your grant anonymously. Your chosen charity will receive the funds without any information about your name or address.

Will grantees have access to my personal information?

  • Unless you specify that you’d like to give your grant anonymously, your fund name and e-mail address will be provided to the grantee.

How will my grant be distributed to my chosen charity?

  • GiveClear™ Foundation, the nonprofit organization that sponsors the BlueGive by Blue Trust account, will distribute your grant via check or ACH payment.

How quickly does the charity receive the funds?

  • Grant recommendations may take up to 10 business days to process and are subject to the approval of GiveClear™ Foundation, the nonprofit organization that sponsors the BlueGive by Blue Trust account.

  • The review time needed to process a grant recommendation may vary based on its purpose or the grant recipient. You can track the status of your grant recommendation in the account history.

Why was my grant amount redeposited in my account?

  • If your chosen charity doesn’t cash your grant check within 90 days, the check will be cancelled and redeposited into your account.

Why was my grant rejected?

  • Your grant may have been declined for one of the following reasons:

    • The charity has lost its tax-exempt status or has been placed on the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) watch list.

    • The purpose of the grant might benefit you personally.

What’s the federal employer identification number (EIN) for GiveClear™ Foundation?

  • GiveClear™ Foundation’s EIN is # 81-3222963.

Where’s my tax receipt?

  • You can find receipts for all your charitable contributions under “Documents” on the account dashboard.

Where can I track the status of my recent grant?

  • To track the status of any grant issued from the account, go to the “Transactions” section of the account dashboard and choose “Grants.”

I made an error in a grant recommendation submission. Can I cancel the grant?

  • If the Grant is in "pending" status, then yes. Generally, grant recommendations may not be reversed once it’s been approved by GiveClear™ Foundation, the non-profit organization that sponsors the account.

I can only find the primary charity location. How do I grant to a local chapter?

  • Usually the charity will have you grant to the home branch and specify which local chapter you want the donation to go to in the grant notes.

Can I grant to a supporting Organization or a Private Foundation?

  • Grants are eligible for Type 1, Type 2, and Functionally-Integrated Type 3 supporting orgs, and to private foundations. Grants are not allowed for Non Functionally-Integrated Type 3 supporting orgs and private non-operating foundations.

Bulk Grants Import and Attestations for Grant Migrations

  • Your BlueGive Account Team has access to a Bulk Charity Submission tool that will assist in migrating one-time or recurring grants onto the platform when moving from another DAF platform. Our Success Managers will recreate all gifts on behalf of a client for any number of grants. This feature prevents the need for an advisor or client from manually setting up multiple grants to charity, as each new grant requires the client to attest to its submission. Once each grant is set up, clients will have the ability to "attest" to the validity of each grant in bulk, saving time and effort. In short, the process is now seamless for smoothly migrating existing DAFs & all recurring grants over to BlueGive.

What are the frequency options for recurring gifts?

  • Monthly, quarterly, annually

General Questions

Does the invitation link ever expire?

  • No, it never expires! If you need to resend the invite you can do so here:

Can clients opt-out of the grant/contribution notifications?

  • Yes, they can do this under the client profile

Do you have a support phone number I can call when I have questions?

  • Yes! Here is that number: (201) 674-8148

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