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Learning Style Analysis and Utilization
Learning Style Analysis and Utilization
Allen W avatar
Written by Allen W
Updated over a week ago

What is a learning style? 

A learning style is what allows you to gain and retain information; it’s how you prefer to learn, how you process information, and how to know what works best for YOU! Although there are only a few categories of learning styles that are frequently used, they may be used in combination with millions of ways to help you achieve success. 

Why do I need to know my learning style?

Each and every person learns differently, so no two learners in the world learn exactly the same. This being known, an individual learning style analysis helps you to determine what works best for you and not those around you. Learning new information can be a challenge in itself, so why not optimize your success by studying your way?

How can my learning style best be utilized?

This is where it becomes fun! Once you know your preferred style, you are in the driver’s seat of your own learning. You can try new ways of studying, play games, listen to podcasts, make practice tests, or even teach others. The possibilities are endless! Employing new techniques keeps learning from becoming stagnant and a chore. If you hate to write out flashcards but love to hear others teach, chances are you are not a read/write learner, but instead an auditory learner. Explore ways that work best for you!

Should I stick to just one style of learning or use multiple different styles?

Research shows that each learning style engages a different part of the brain; utilizing multiple styles encourages a “whole brain” approach and allows the learner to remember more of what they learn. Furthermore, the speed at which you learn is greatly increased with the use of multiple learning style techniques. Just studying one way all the time utilizing a style that isn’t even preferred causes the learner to become unmotivated and even have the perception of being “dumb” or a “bad learner.”

I already have a system for studying, why should I change things?

We’re not asking you to change what works for you, finding a way to study that makes you successful can be a long process. Although, what if your full potential isn’t being fully met? What if by adding new ways of learning to your existing successful techniques you can learn more, faster, and easier? Your successes as students are dependent on the ways that you best obtain and retain information and optimize your potential.

How do I figure out my learning style?

A formal learning style tool is best utilized to learn your preferred style. Trial and error methods also work; however, they are time-consuming, and some learners never realize they are learning the wrong way. Follow the link below to find out your learning styles and begin employing them towards your success today! 

Now that I know my learning style, what’s next?

Visit our area on “Study Tips by Style." Here, you can get information on the different learning styles, how to use them to your advantage, how Bluejacketeer can help you, general study tips, various "do’s and don’ts," and test-taking techniques for the big day. What are you waiting for? Let’s get to learning!

Study Tips by Style

Four basic learning styles:

1. Visual- Prefers using pictures, images, colors, and diagrams. You love to draw and use bright colors and you can visualize diagrams and information in your head. You have a great sense of direction and can usually find a place even if you have only been there once. 

2. Aural- Prefers sounds, music, and conversation. You are a lover of music and can usually identify the sounds of instruments in a song. You notice distinct sounds even in loud places, like a familiar song. Often, you find yourself randomly humming or singing a jingle from the radio without ever paying attention to it before. 

3. Read/ Write- Prefers the use of words in speaking and writing. You love to read and you may be like a human dictionary and know the meaning of many words. When you hear a new word, you often look it up and even try to use it in future conversations. You also love to write and express yourself through your thoughts on paper. You may find joy in poetry, rhymes, and ditties. 

4. Kinesthetic- Prefers the use of body, hands, and touch. You are the first one to volunteer to touch the snakes at the zoo and you learn through your physical experiences. When working out or running, you often think about things you need to do but couldn’t think of earlier. You’re not big on instructions and you would much rather just jump into the game or project and learn as you go. Sitting still is also not your strong suit because you crave movement. 

Techniques for your style:

1. Visual- Use images, pictures, bright colors, and videos in your learning. You should always have multiple color pens with you; use one for terms, one for instructions, and one for ditties. Make studying your own but stay consistent; your mind will correlate the colors and organize the information accordingly. When you don’t understand something, find an image, replace certain words in a document with pictures, or make a diagram. See yourself to advancement!

2. Aural- Create a jingle, rhyme words out loud, or listen to a recording or an instructor teaching on the subject. Teach a class to a friend over what you want to learn, then have them teach it to you. Correlate certain noises to different areas of study, such as the sound of the ocean while learning shipboard navigation. Listen to songs that you enjoy while studying, ones that employ emotion, such as motivation or happiness. This will help your mood and you will recall what you were doing while feeling that way. Listen up, this is good stuff!

3. Read/ Write- Write out important information from an instruction rather than highlighting it. Read material out loud and to others. Write a song or jingle or make a poem or word association. Create lists and schedules or record sections of the material you are studying for others to listen to on a CD or MP3. Research is also a friend of yours! When you don’t understand something, look it up and dive deeper. Are you reading this, or should I write it out for you?

4. Kinesthetic- Get down and dirty with your studying and associate activity with learning. Study on the way to the mall in a taxi cab, throw flashcards you got right against the wall when wrong and in the air when right. Create poster board projects or 3D models. Make a workout game where you associate different exercises with different study materials. Simulate what you are learning with friends, role play, or practice skills. Get "hands-on" with your learning as much as possible. If you are learning about the elbow, touch it and locate the bones yourself. Let’s get a move on this! 

We can help!

Bluejacketeer employs optimally organized written questions, quizzes, comprehensive study plans, audio recordings, and social networking to get you on track. We employ subject matter experts who know the test, have taken it for themselves, and are successful in their own advancement. 

Our questions are based on the proven concept of spaced repetition, allowing the user full control of how often they want to see a question and ensuring that known information doesn’t get in the way, becoming boring, and unknown information is seen more often.

We create study plans and do all the leg work so you don’t have to. You don’t have to waste valuable study time searching down an instruction because we give it directly to you. On top of that, we organize the bibliography into easily-manageable week-by-week study outlines, keeping you organized and on track by covering everything you need to study before the exam with time to spare! 

You can cover test material on your way to work, even while you’re driving! Study anywhere and everywhere with our podcasts, which allow you to be on the move and listen to a subject matter expert cover what really matters from bibliography topics. All you need is your mobile device, and you’re ready to listen!

How can Bluejacketeer fit into my learning style?

Visual learners- Employ the use of our online study questions and flashcards. The choice between using multiple questions or "flashcard-only" mode will keep information from becoming boring, and your mind will remain challenged. Snag the PDFs that are supplied for each question; they will link you directly to the answer and you can make it your own by saving it, highlighting it in different colors, or referencing it later. Our 10-week study plan will also help keep you organized on what you have studied and what is to come. 

Aural- Our podcast will surely interest you! Listen anywhere as long as you have your smartphone handy. You will love being challenged by the quiz after every episode. Also, utilize our online questions to quiz your friends, read the questions out loud and engage in conversation about the right and wrong answers. Hearing the information in multiple ways as well as saying it yourself proves effective for the audio learner. 

Read/ Write- Read our online questions out loud to yourself and write out the questions that you got wrong to reference at a later time. Also, read further into the information through our PDFs that are available for each question, allowing you to research why the answer is right or wrong allowing for that background knowledge you need as this type of learner. Get social by chatting with others on our exclusive Facebook page, asking questions, giving input, and even finding a “pen pal” to Facebook message study with.

Kinesthetic- Get on the go and access our mobile-friendly website questions anywhere. Study at the mall, at the movies, in a cab, or virtually anywhere you can think of. For you, a change of environment will help you later in recalling information by being able to correlate where you were when you learned the information. Also, you could print out our highlighted PDFs and use them to make your own flashcards; using your hands serves you well, and flashcards are great for the kinesthetic learner!

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