What is an "NCA"?
England is divided into 159 'National Character Areas' (NCAs), which government body Natural England describe as 'distinctive' large-scale units of landscape with 'a unique "sense of place".' They provide the 'broad divisions...on which strategies for both ecological and landscape issues can be based.' (Source: Natural England)
What role does my NCA have in BNG?
In the context of Biodiversity Net Gain, NCAs are one of two geographic measures by which the appropriate "Spatial Modifier" for a purchase of units can be calculated (the other being LPA boundaries). The "Spatial Modifier" affects how many units you need to purchase from a given gain site, in order to achieve a certain number of units on your own site.
What is the impact on me?
As such, providing your development's NCA can sometimes enable us to find you a better price for the units you need, because for each possible source of supply you may gain a more favourable Spatial Risk Modifier.