Not sure how to get started, or how BNGx is meant to work? We've tried to make the site as simple as possible, but we know BNG can be complex, so here's a quick step-by-step guide. It's really easy:
Register or login
Upload your development's metric
Check your details are correct
Get matched with units
Confirm your purchase intent and pay
Get your documents
It's that simple - and, best of all, it can all be done in a matter of minutes.
Step 1: Register with Us
You need to register an account with us in order to use BNGx:
If you've not registered yet, you can do so at
If you have registered, you can login at
Step 2: Add your development's metric
At BNGx, we automatically find complete optimised matches between your site's biodiversity needs and the units suppliers have made available. To do this for you, all you have to do is give us your development's metric file:
Make sure you've logged in to (you know you are if you see 'Development Sites' at the top of the page)
Click 'Upload your development' on the right-hand-side
Click 'Browse' to select your metric file on your computer, or drag-and-drop your metric file into the area with the dashed border
Once the file's uploaded, click 'Check details' in the bottom-right
Step 3: Confirm your site's details
We're now busy processing your site's data. The page you're now on will ask you to confirm your development's name, the Local Planning Authority it is in, and optionally, the National Character Area it is in.
When you're happy the information is correct, simply click 'Find Units'!
Step 4: Review your matches
We've done the hard part! If we've found any suitable matches for your site, we'll show them to you now. Click on any bundle shown to expand it and see more information about it. You'll be shown the net gain that it achieves for your site, along with some aggregate information about what kinds of units are involved.
From this page, you can purchase your preferred bundle (if you're ready to purchase units outright) or you can buy an Availability Certificate evidencing what was available with this search (useful if you're not yet certain you need off-site units). Simply:
Click "Purchase Units" in the bottom-right, if you're ready to buy your units
Click "Buy Availability Certificate" if you're not ready to buy units
Step 5: Confirm and pay
You'll be shown a summary screen with the complete pricing of the bundle (or certificate), with any required taxes added, and be asked to confirm that you want this bundle (or certificate) and that you have agreed to the Terms of Use and accompanying documentation that governs the sale process.
Once you confirm that you wish to purchase, your units will be taken off the market, and you'll be invited to confirm the appropriate payment email address (usually, the email on your account). Simply click "Proceed to Bank Transfer Details" to be shown the bank account to transfer your payment to.
If you're buying a certificate, once you confirm your desire to purchase, you'll instead be redirected to a checkout form to complete your payment.
Step 6: Get your documents
Once you've made your bank transfer, click anywhere outside the transfer details window (or on the 'X' in its corner) to proceed. (If you're stuck at any point, just go to and we'll point you in the right direction.)
We're already preparing your documents! Wait briefly and the 'Get Documents' button will light up. Alternatively, you can always check if your documents are ready by going to Finally, we'll email you when your documents are ready to download.
Had trouble?
If you get stuck at any point, or aren't sure what to do, feel free to chat with us using the 'Messenger' button in the bottom right. Or, if you prefer email, send us one at