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Learning Gaps Report - Teachers

Find out where your students' learning gaps are

Clarence Tan avatar
Written by Clarence Tan
Updated over a year ago

To access the Learning Gaps Report:

Click into your classroom Select the Reports Tab on the left Click Learning Gaps

Boddle’s Learning Gaps Report will identify any learning gaps your students may have, showing you which specific concepts/skills are causing the gaps.

If learning gaps are identified, Boddle’s algorithm will deliver content to students to address that specific learning gap.

The Learning Gaps Report is a helpful tool to use during parent conferences, to inform admin of classroom data, and for individualized support for your students.

How to Access the Learning Gaps Report:

To access the Learning Gaps Report, you’ll first need to select the classroom for which you want to track student data. Then, click the Reports button on the left toolbar. From the Reports section, click on Learning Gaps. Choose between Math and ELA data by clicking the toggle switch at the top of the page.

Any identified learning gaps will be grouped by skill. In addition to seeing which students have learning gaps in a particular skill, you’ll see helpful data such as overall performance, time spent per question and overall, and the foundational/adjusted skill. If you hover over the foundational/adjusted skill, you’ll see a sample question.

Now that your students’ learning gaps have been identified, you can assign them specific practice to address the gap.

To do this, go to the Assignments tab and click the blue Create Assignment button. From here, give your assignment a name. Then, select the specific skills identified in the Learning Gaps report by scrolling through or typing the skill in the search bar. Next, select the students you’d like to assign the content to, as well as the parameters and scheduling information. Click the blue Create Assignment button, and your students will receive the assignment aligning to their identified Learning Gap.

Happy Teaching!

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