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Game Overview - For Teachers

Get a sneak peek into the Boddle student portal!

Clarence Tan avatar
Written by Clarence Tan
Updated over 7 months ago

Want to experience Boddle as a student? Just click on the Preview Game button on the Classroom Page, and you'll be able to explore gameplay!

This is the student dashboard that your students will see when they log in to their Boddle accounts. You’ll see their customized Boddle character there in the middle.

When students click on Assignments, they will see any active assignments you’ve assigned through your teacher portal. Students will see a red notification on the icon when they have unfinished or new assignments.

Students can click the green “Play” button to be transported to the Game Library where they can access Quiz Mode, Pet Battles, and the Arcade.

Clicking on the Home icon will take your student to their Home Environment where they’ve collected items during gameplay to decorate their home. Your students can interact with their Home Environment and visit the homes of their classmates!

The Backpack is where items such as outfits, furniture and accessories are stored for easy access and personalization! By clicking on the pencil, students can also change their Boddle character's appearance and name.

In the Shop, students can use the coins they’ve earned during gameplay to purchase fun new items for their character and home! These items are stored in the Backpack or in the Home Environment. Items are refreshed daily so students are always excited to see what’s new!

The Buddy List is where students can invite their classmates to play Pet Battles with them. Students can see invites from classmates here as well. Remember that you can use Game Locks to temporarily lock out the Buddy List, as well as other game features, to help your students focus more on math.

The Progress icon is a great resource for students to see their Learning Progress in different domains. Students can see the skills they’ve mastered and even practice that specific skill if needed. They can also see the upcoming skills within a domain.

Earned Knowledge Points and Coins will be displayed at the top of the screen, as well as the Settings gear where students can change the volume of in-game sounds and music as well as logout.

Finally, the Boddle Pass shows current progress on daily and weekly Quests. This is also where students can activate the Premium subscription of their Boddle Pass.

Happy Teaching!

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