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Integrations: LOS

Integrate Arive, LendingPad, or Encompass LOS with your Bonzo account.

Updated over a week ago

Loan Origination Software (LOS) is a specialized application that aids mortgage lenders in streamlining the loan origination process. It automates tasks such as application submission, underwriting, credit checks, documentation verification, and loan approval. While LOS systems focus on organization, Bonzo is designed for communication. It integrates seamlessly with popular LOSs like Arive, LendingPad, and Encompass.

While most Loan Origination System (LOS) integrations share a common setup and functionality, there are some variations. This article focuses on our most popular LOS integration, Arive, but it also addresses these differences and explains what adjustments might be required for other LOS systems.

Before diving into the integration setup, ensure you have the pipelines feature enabled in your Bonzo account. Pipelines can be purchased by the account owner (SuperUser or Team Lead) in the add ons section of the company tab and distributed to team members from the Team Members page via permissions.

  1. Once you've added pipelines, navigate to your "Settings" and down to "Custom Integrations," and click on "Arive."

  2. Next, you will need to provide essential details like your Client ID, Secret Key, API Key, and Arive Email. These can all be found in your Arive account. Accurately providing the most accurate credentials to these fields is essential. Arive uses company, branch, and individual credentials. Choosing the wrong type can restrict access, preventing the integration from functioning as intended for you or your team.

    Additional fields are available to customize the integration based on your business needs.

  3. After filling out the required information, double-check your data fields, especially Client ID and Email address. Please be sure to copy and paste this information from Arive directly to the Bonzo form. Mismatched data is the most common reason for integration failures. Accurate information is crucial because this integration seamlessly connects Arive and Bonzo by matching loan officer data. When a loan arrives with a specific email address assigned as the loan officer, we use that email address to identify the corresponding user ID in Bonzo. This ensures the loan is automatically assigned to the member. Once you've verified your entries, review the "Pricing" and "Time-Frame" descriptions above the form before clicking "Submit."

    Note: If you are using separate email addresses for Arive and Bonzo, please let our integrations team know in the "Special Instructions" section at the bottom of the form.

  4. Once the integration is active, you will be able to see a new Arive Pipeline in your Pipelines tab.

  5. Bonzo will now automatically capture every new loan created in Arive and sync during loan status changes to mirror their progress in the Arive Milestones pipeline. The integration operates by syncing prospect movements from Arive to Bonzo, but not vice versa. By linking campaigns and event messages to particular pipeline stages, you can ensure that co-borrowers and agents stay informed and will the prospect moves through the loan process.

Integrating Arive with Bonzo optimizes your workflow by capturing every newly created loan in Arive and syncing their progress in Bonzo. Through automation and targeted messaging, this connection enhances communication and visibility for all involved parties, guaranteeing a smoother and more efficient loan processing experience.

To learn more Arive Field Mapping & Default Pipeline Stages, click the box below.

Arive Integration FAQ & Troubleshooting


How does this integration work?

  • Arive sends data to Bonzo when a loan application is submitted, and a loan milestone is updated.

  • The integration will then sync those loans as prospects in the associated Arive pipeline (automatically added when the integration is enabled).

What information do I need to get started?

  • In Arive, navigate to the top right corner of the screen and click on your settings dropdown. Depending on how you want the integration to function in Bonzo (i.e. for you, your team, or your whole company), you can find the information in the corresponding tabs: User Settings, Company Settings, or Branch Settings. Navigate to the Integrations section and click “Generate my credentials.” To build this integration, we need your: Client ID, API Key, Secret Key, and Arive Email.

How much does this integration cost?

  • The Arive integration is $100 for the initial build and $25 per month to host and maintain the integration with updates to our platform and theirs. This $25 per month covers all other integration hosting and maintenance in Bonzo - if you are hosting multiple integrations with us, you will only pay the single $25 per month for all integrations.

Anything else I need to know?

  • When getting your credentials, we need these to be copied and pasted to the correct data fields on the integrations form. We are unable to utilize screenshots for this process.

  • When your prospects from Arive are integrated into Bonzo, any associated contacts (such as coborrowers and buying agents) will stay linked to them. If these contacts aren't already in your Bonzo database, they will be automatically created using the information imported from Arive.

  • Team Lead VS. SuperUser Setup: the main difference lies in how the integration is set up between a Team Lead and a SuperUser. Typically, for a team, the Team Lead submits the integration request, and everything is configured under their account, including the webhook and pipelines, granting access to team members. In contrast, with a SuperUser, the SU oversees the setup, managing everything under their account, which then cascades down to child companies and teams, and finally to individual users.

  • New Team Members: If you add a team member to your Bonzo team after the integration is setup, please alert our integrations team to add that team member to the existing integration.

Trouble Shooting

How does the integration handle existing loans from Arive to Bonzo, and what about new prospects?

This integration is not retroactive, meaning you will need to do an initial export from Arive to Bonzo for closed loans or loans that have already started their process with you. Once the integration is set, each new prospect will move automatically in Bonzo.

How should I manage stages in my Arive Milestones pipeline? What happens if I delete a stage in Bonzo?

There may be stages in your Arive Milestones pipeline that you don't use or don't want to see. We recommend that you collapse those stages instead of deleting them. The integration maps loan statuses from Arive to corresponding stages in Bonzo. Deleting a stage will break the connection, preventing loans from being assigned to the correct stage in your workflow. While you can rename, collapse, or reorder stages, deleting them disrupts the integration.

By default your Arive Milestones pipeline stages will be locked. This minimizes the chances of you or your team accidentally deleting a pipeline stage. This feature can be toggled back, or unlocked, in your pipeline settings.

The first stage prospects will appear in for your Arive Milestones pipeline is "Application Intake." The stages that appear prior to this stage are available for your manual use.

What should I check in my webhooks to avoid issues with contacts getting duplicated or getting stuck in a pipeline stage?

When setting up your Arive Integration, Bonzo will also establish a webhook for this integration (A webhook is an HTTP-based callback mechanism that enables real-time, event-driven communication between applications - i.e. Arive & Bonzo).

Though we will automatically check the first two boxes for you - "Merge duplicates" and "Re-attach duplicates...," if you are having problems with your integration, it's useful to navigate to your webhooks and confirm these settings.

If the "Reattach duplicates to campaign or Pipeline" is not checked, when a contact that already exists in Bonzo is pushed over again from Arive into a pipeline stage, they will get stuck in that stage and won't move automatically move through your pipeline funnel.

Also, when reviewing your Arive webhook in Bonzo, ensure the "Pipeline stage to which people will be assigned" dropdown is empty. This allows your contacts to progress through the Arive Milestones pipeline naturally. Setting a specific pipeline stage for this webhook would cause contacts to be pushed to that stage whenever their information is updated in Arive, even if it's not the appropriate stage. Keeping this field blank maintains the integrity of the integration.

What should I do if somebody submitted an application in Arive, but they're not appearing in Bonzo?

If you're encountering issues with contacts not appearing in your Bonzo account, it's helpful to check "logs" and then "details," to determine the nature of the issues. These logs can provide insights into why certain contacts failed to be pushed over successfully into Bonzo.

Missing data like phone number and email addresses or invalid formats can cause the payload to fail.

Please verify the info. correctly appears in the "Payload" display before reaching out to our integrations team for support.

Integrating LendingPad

The setup process for your LendingPad integration mirrors that of Arive, yet there are distinct functional differences worth noting.

  • One of the key distinctions between Arive and LendingPad is how they provide updates to Bonzo. With Arive, updates are triggered only when there's a change in loan status, while LendingPad sends updates for any changes made to the loan details, such as name or email address. This means that Bonzo receives more frequent updates from LendingPad compared to Arive, making the integration more dynamic.

    For example, In LendingPad, if you make a correction like fixing a last name misspelling, it immediately notifies Bonzo about the change. On the other hand, with Arive, correcting such details might require waiting for a loan status change or employing a workaround like temporarily changing the status and then reverting it back, although this approach may not always be feasible in every situation.

  • LendingPad requires a Loan Officer (personal) or System Administrator (company/team) API Key. This key can be found by navigating to Settings, then Integrations, and looking for the API Key tab.


Q: Why don't loan applications transfer to Bonzo unless they are preapproved or taken by borrowers in POS?

  • A: The current integration between Arive and Bonzo is limited by the event triggers provided by Arive. By default, we rely on the "Loan App submitted in POS" and "Loan Status Updated" triggers. This means that only preapproved applications or those taken by borrowers in the POS system will transfer to Bonzo. If you experience issues, we can add the "New Loan" trigger upon request. However, this trigger activates as soon as a new loan is created, which can lead to incomplete data being transferred if minimal information is entered initially.

Q: How can I make sure all files entered in Arive are transferred to Bonzo?

  • A: To ensure all files are transferred, you can request the addition of the "New Loan" trigger. Be aware that this might result in incomplete information being transferred if the loan is created with minimal data. It's crucial to follow the preapproval process or guide borrowers to use the POS system for their applications to ensure a smooth transfer.

Q: Why don't comments or preferred language in Arive transfer to Bonzo?

  • A: Comments and preferred language are fields not currently included in the data payload sent by Arive. Until this feature is available, comments will need to be managed separately in both systems.

Integrating Encompass

Encompass provides extensive customization options, making it a more involved LOS integration to set up. Typically, members request an Encompass integration upon contract signing (for enterprise cases) or through their Member Success Advisor or Enterprise Team Member. If these scenarios don't apply, you can complete a custom integration form. After submitting the form, our integration team will reach out to collect any additional information needed to complete the integration. Additionally, they will schedule a kickoff call to delve deeper into the integration request and discuss next steps. Please note: Encompass Banker edition and Administrator access is required to set up the integration.

Configuring Encompass for integration with Bonzo involves setting up a subscription to your Encompass account. This subscription allows us to monitor specific events related to your loans, ensuring that your Bonzo account stays updated with the latest information.

Technical Note: The Bonzo integrations team leverages specific functions to establish an Encompass subscription. This subscription triggers notifications to the specified functions, which in turn makes a callback to Encompass, allowing us to bring your data seamlessly into Bonzo.

The events we subscribe to in Encompass include:

  • Milestone

  • Applications

  • Contacts

  • Borrower

Whenever there's a change in any of these areas (milestone change, status change, contact data, borrower data, etc.), Bonzo receives an update and syncs the necessary details. This includes importing important contacts like:

  • Borrower

  • Coborrower

  • Buyer Agent

  • Listing Agent

Additionally, we provide the option to filter specific folders in Encompass. This feature is useful if there are files or loan types that you prefer not to import into Bonzo (i.e. "denied loans," "withdrawn loans," "closed loans," "broker channel," etc.). You can choose to include or exclude folders based on your workflow and requirements.

Included folders:

Excluded folders:


Denied Loans

For organizing your loans and prospects, Bonzo aligns with Encompass Milestones. As your loan progresses through milestones in Encompass, it automatically moves through corresponding pipeline stages in Bonzo. For instance, when a loan reaches the "Submittal" milestone in Encompass, it transitions to the "Submitted" stage in your Bonzo pipeline. This synchronization ensures that your workflow remains smooth and consistent.

Here are some examples of how Encompass Milestones map to Bonzo Pipeline Stages:

Encompass Milestones:

Bonzo Pipeline Stage:

File Started

File Started

Sent to processing

Sent to processing



Cond. Approval

Conditional Approval





Ready for Docs

Ready for Docs

Docs Out

Docs Out







Our integration team will go over all this information with you during the initial implementation phase. It's crucial to mention that we'll require a few Encompass users from your team to take part in a beta phase before rolling out the integration company-wide. This step is essential for maintaining quality and reducing errors.


  • If the assigned loan officer email address does not match an email address in our integrations table, we will not know who to assign the prospect to so it will not be imported.

  • If the prospect is missing both a phone number and email address, we will not import it.

  • If the payload includes a field that is not properly formatted, we will not be able to import it due to errors. For example, email address fields should be formatted as and not “;

To learn about additional integrations, click the box below:


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