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People: Formatting, Custom Fields, Importing
People: Formatting, Custom Fields, Importing

Understanding how to format, utilize custom fields, and import your database into Bonzo, to ensure that your data is ready for action.

Updated over a week ago


Organizing and reviewing your data before importing it into Bonzo is a crucial step that can save you time by preventing errors and rework. Below, we'll explore essential spreadsheet organization techniques to ensure your data in Bonzo is well-structured and ready for immediate action.

*The People Tab can now be found under the "Data" dropdown in your sidebar navigation.

Best Practices for Spreadsheet Organization

  • Examine Bonzo's default fields to ensure your data can be mapped directly into one of these standard fields. Review this Sample CSV for default fields or export a contact out of Bonzo. To do this, navigate to the People tab, select a contact you'd like to export, and click the export button.

    After reviewing these fields you can choose to create your own Custom Fields by following the steps in the section below labelled "Custom Fields"

  • Make sure that each field on your spreadsheet such as, first name, last name, email, phone number, etc. is separated into its own column.

  • Confirm that each contact on your spreadsheet has either an email address or a phone number. If no phone number or email is present, Bonzo will not import the contact.

  • Additional contact data points such as IDs, labels, or other identifiers are placed in separate columns. During the mapping process you will be able to select one of Bonzo’s standard fields to categorize this data. Tags is a category commonly used for these types of identifiers.

  • Ensure that your spreadsheet is saved or exported as one of these acceptable file types: csv, tsv, xls, xlsx, xml, vCard, ods

Once your spreadsheet is organized and prepared, follow the import process. After the import, double-check the imported data within Bonzo to ensure accuracy. You can manually make changes by clicking on a contact and editing the fields in their "Details" tab.

Creating Custom Fields

Custom fields in Bonzo offer powerful customization options for tracking specific information that may not be native to the platform but is essential for your organization and workflow. With no limit on the number of custom fields you can create, you have the flexibility to create your own "Groups" and "Fields" to ensure that every data point is organized and stored.

Groups: found in the details section of a contact record, groups are the tabs (Mortgage, Recruiting, etc.) that hold additional fields and data.

Fields: found within groups or tabs, fields are boxes that hold the actual data points on your contacts (i.e. First Name, Last Name, Telephone Number, Email, etc.)

  1. From your dashboard, navigate to the "Company" tab, and click on "Custom Fields." It's important to note that the Company tab is only available to SuperUsers and Team Leads; as a Team Member, you may not have access to create or edit custom fields.

  2. Here you will see any existing custom fields and you will be able to add new ones, by clicking on the pink "+ Add group" button.

  3. Create a "Group name" in the empty field. Remember, by creating a group, you are creating a new tab under which to house additional fields and data. In addition, you can make this new group visible to all members on your team or provide access based on different roles.

  4. Once your new group has been created, click on the gray arrow to view, edit, and add new fields.

  5. Click on "+Add field" and then create a "Field name," this will be the title of the field (i.e. First Name, Last Name, Telephone Number, Email). The "Field type" establishes the functionality of the field and the "Help text" creates text that appears when you hover over the field.

  6. Once you've created your new fields and clicked "Create" this new group and subsequent fields will be active in the "Details" section of every contact record.


Now that you've organized and formatted your data and created your own custom fields in Bonzo, you are ready to import contacts into your People tab and kickstart communication.

*Import can now be found under the "Data" dropdown in your sidebar navigation.

  1. From your dashboard, click on your "Data" dropdown and then click on "Import."

  2. Click on "New Import," then select, "Import from file."

  3. Here, you'll start with step 1 of the 4 step import process as outlined at the top of the page.

    The upload step allows you to drag and drop or click to upload your database spreadsheet into Bonzo. You can also assign the imports to a specific campaign or pipeline, although this is step is optional and can be completed once your contacts are imported to Bonzo.

    After you upload you database spreadsheet into the blank field, you'll see additional options appear. Pay particular attention to the first two boxes, as they will affect both the mapping and import of your data into Bonzo.

    "Run scrubber" is a tokens based feature that allows you to cross-reference or scrub your import against the national DNC list. This ensures that you only importing relevant and actionable data into your Bonzo account.

    In "Show advanced features" you are able to edit how your CSV is interpreted and processed by Bonzo.

  4. Next, you'll need to map your fields, ensuring that each column in your file aligns correctly with the corresponding data fields in Bonzo. Verify that information such as first name, last name, and email address match up appropriately.

    If a line doesn’t match or is coming up blank, you can search through Bonzo’s field for the appropriate match.

    Once everything is properly mapped, proceed to the next screen to adjust your import settings.

  5. On the Settings page, you can choose to share the imported contacts with specific users, tag them with relevant labels, or assign them to designated team members. These settings allow for streamlined organization and distribution of your imported contacts, but these actions can also be taken in your People tab post import.

    After confirming the settings, click "Next" to proceed to the Summary page.

  6. On the Summary page asks you must confirm the import details and attest that the data has been scrubbed against the DNC list. Once these boxes are checked, click the "Import" button in the bottom right to officially initiate the import of your data into Bonzo.

    Depending on the size of your file, the import process may take a few moments. You'll receive an email notification once the import is completed, or you can monitor the progress directly on the import page.

Once finished, your imported contacts will be seamlessly integrated into your People tab within Bonzo, ready for further organization and action.

People Organization: Best Practices & Tips

Most Bonzo members looking to import their existing database into Bonzo will have their contacts organized in one of two ways.

  1. All Contacts Mixed Together

    You have one working spreadsheet that you've been adding to for years. This spreadsheet includes prospects, realtors, former clients, colleagues, etc. You are able to bring this entire spreadsheet over into Bonzo regardless of the size, but it may require further organization so that you can quickly access the right people and take action.

    The best way for you to organize your database is to utilize Tags. Tags are a type of label you can drop on contact records in Bonzo that allow you to quickly group similar records and then take action. You can do this before you import your spreadsheet into Bonzo, by creating an additional column in your spreadsheet, creating a label like "realtor" or "prospect," and then mapping that to "Tags" on the import screen. You can manually do this to contact records once they are brought into Bonzo, but it takes more time.

  2. Contacts Separated into Multiple Spreadsheets Organized by Type

    You have multiple spreadsheets that offer clear distinctions between the types of contact records or data present on those sheets. You are able to bring as many spreadsheets as you want over into Bonzo regardless of the size, but they may require further organization and optimization so that you can take advantage of all that upfront work you did organizing the sheets.

    The best way for you to organize the data sets you are bringing over into Bonzo is to utilize Tags. You can create specific tags (i.e. "Additional Tags") for each import on the "Settings" page during your import (i.e. Realtors 4/12), so that you can further organize and take action on these contacts when they are imported into Bonzo.

To learn more about database organization using Tags, click on the box below.

Adopting effective data organization practices such as thorough review and strategic formatting before importing into Bonzo is pivotal for efficiency, error prevention, and streamlined workflows. Understanding how to format, utilize custom fields, and import your database into Bonzo, will ensure that your data is primed and ready for action.

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