Conversation Tab

A tour of the conversation tab. How to use it and get the most out of it!

Updated over a week ago

*The Conversations tab can now be found under the "Messaging" dropdown in your sidebar navigation.

Two Ways to Access Conversations:

You can view latest conversations directly from the Dashboard or select the Conversation tab beneath the "Messaging" dropdown in your sidebar navigation.

Conversation Tab Overview:

The Conversation tab is where you communicate with all your prospects directly. Its set up so that you can see the communication history for each prospects (including emails, texts, voicemails and call history)

Filtering Conversations:

  • You can search and filter conversations in a variety of ways:

    • You can filter by All messages, those that are unread, snoozed or unresponsive

    • You can pull up custom lists that you have created in the People Tab

    • You can also search for an individual person and view your contact history with them.

Within a Conversation:

  • When you select an individual you are able to do a few things including:

    • Communicate with them via sms, email, ringless voicemail, or a call right from your web browser.

    • View and edit the prospects details as well as take additional notes

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