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Integrations: MMI Enhanced Webhook
Integrations: MMI Enhanced Webhook

How to set up the MMI enhanced integration within your Bonzo account using webhooks.

Updated over a week ago

Integrating Bonzo with MMI (Mortgage Market Intelligence) can significantly enhance your workflow and data management. The MMI Enhanced Webhook allows you, with the click of a button, to push realtors and loan officers into Bonzo and into a particular campaign or pipeline stage for automated outreach. You can also establish custom routing groups that push prospects into different campaigns or pipeline stages based on the conditions you set. Setting up an MMI Enhanced Webhook is straightforward and will streamline your processes, allowing you to focus on having more conversations and growing your business.

Setting Up the MMI Enhanced Webhook in Bonzo

1. Navigate to the “Settings” section.

2. In the settings menu, locate and click on “Webhooks.”

3. From this screen, click the “Add Webhook” button to begin the integration setup.

4. Provide a name for your webhook. Suggested name: “MMI + Bonzo” or "[Your Name] MMI Webhook"

5. Here is where you can choose a specific pipeline or campaign to send the data from MMI, which can help you manage your leads effectively.

6. Select the Integration for MMI (please note that the Integration "type" must be MMI in order for it to work!

7. Check the box for merging duplicates. The integration does not work retroactively, meaning any existing MMI data will not be updated unless they are pushed over to Bonzo again. The “merge duplicate” feature within the integration will combine existing MMI data with the newly imported details of Realtors or Loan Officers in your Bonzo account. This creates a unified profile for each contact. If you already have MMI data in Bonzo, those existing records won’t automatically update. Merging duplicates ensures data consistency.

8. Create the Webhook.

9. After configuring your integration settings, you’ll see the MMI + Bonzo webhook on the main webhook page. Click the "copy" icon next to the unique URL link on the webhook.

Connecting the Webhook in MMI

  1. Access your MMI account and navigate to the menu option located in the top-right corner, under “User Info" to add the URL to MMI.

11. Paste the copied URL into the "CRM Push URL" field.

12. Click “Save Webhook Now” to finalize the integration. Note that integrations are updated every 24 to 48 hours. If you don’t see it immediately, don’t worry; it’s on its way.

13. To confirm the integration is live, perform a search for a loan officer or realtor in your MMI account. When viewing their profile, you should see the Bonzo logo, indicating a successful integration.

A Contact must have either a phone OR email address to push the record to Bonzo.

Advanced Routing

With the MMI Enhanced Webhook, you can create routing groups that direct prospects to different campaigns or pipeline stages based on specific conditions you define. This is especially useful for routing realtors and loan officers to different stages within the same pipeline.

  1. To get started, click on your existing MMI Webhook and go into your edit screen.

    If you want to establish routing groups and conditions, we advise removing any specific campaign or pipeline instructions established on the "Edit" page as it may interrupt or confuse your new settings.

  2. Click on "Routing" and then "+Add group" to set up a new routing group.

  3. The initial fields allow you to establish routing to specific "Campaigns," to "Assignees" (or members in your team), to "Pipeline Stages," and to establish a "Daily Quota" for the amount of prospects that are pushed with this routing group.

    You can add multiple groups with various conditions, but it's important to treat each group as an "OR" statement. For example, the routing will pass if either the conditions for Group A are true, OR the conditions for Group B are true.

    In the example above, the routing will pass leads to Bill if either the leads are from Georgia and they have a zip code of 30309 OR the routing will pass leads to Tedd if the state is Georgia and the zip code is 30306.

  4. Click on the pencil icon to establish specific conditions based on various data fields within Bonzo.

    You will notice as you scroll through, MMI has specific fields for the data it provides like "Performance," "Fast Facts," "Agent Active Volume," etc.

    You can add multiple conditions; it's important to treat each conditions as an "AND" statement.

    In the above example, the "State is equal to Georgia" AND the "Current Zip is equal to 30309."

  5. When editing a condition, you must always establish the "Field," the "Action," and the "Value." For example, to route realtors and loan officers to different stages on the same pipeline you would establish the following fields:

    Prospect Type -> is equal to -> Regular (LO)

    Source -> is equal to -> MMI

    Then, select the appropriate pipeline stage to which you would like to route them.

    Establish another group for realtors and select a different pipeline stage within the same pipeline.

    Prospect Type -> is equal to -> Realtor

    Source -> is equal to -> MMI

  6. Make sure you click on "Save Routing" for your new routing rules to take effect.

Troubleshooting for Advanced Routing

When utilizing advanced routing, keep these points in mind to ensure your realtors and LO's are sent to the correct campaigns and pipelines stages.

When routing to campaigns:

  • If utilizing the assignee field, which routes the lead to specific members of your team, make sure the campaign doesn't already contain lead routing through "Round Robin." Any Webhook group and conditions you establish using the assignee field will override these campaign lead settings, meaning that the campaign will no longer round robin leads.

When routing to pipeline stages:

  • It's worth double-checking your pipeline stages prior to setting up advanced routing especially those with attached campaigns. Ensure that the campaigns are active and relevant to the new prospects that will be receiving them. Remember, if the routing passes and leads are sent to the specific pipeline stage, they will immediately receive any campaign messaging that you have attached to that stage.

When routing to both campaigns and pipeline stage:

  • Advanced routing allows you to send prospects to both specific campaigns and pipeline stages. If you are utilizing both fields in the "routing" tab, return to the "edit" tab and remove or change selected campaigns or pipeline stages on this page as it may confuse your advanced routing settings. If your new, advanced routing doesn't doesn't pass, the Webhook will route prospects to the campaigns or pipeline stage you have selected in the "edit" tab.

  • In addition, if you are utilizing both campaign and pipeline stage fields in the "routing" tab, it is recommended to detach campaigns that may be associated with that specific campaign stage. Routing to specific campaign AND a pipeline stage with an attached campaign will cause confusion with the Webhook logic and the payload or prospect may not get delivered.

Viewing MMI Enhancements in Bonzo

Integrating MMI with Bonzo brings significant enhancements to how you view and utilize enriched data directly within Bonzo. This integration provides new visual data representations and advanced automated messaging capabilities through the use of MMI merge tags, making your workflow more efficient and your communication strategies more effective.

Viewing MMI Data in Your People Tab

  1. To view MMI data within Bonzo, navigate and click on a contact that you've pushed over using the Webhook. If you are routing these leads directly into a pipeline stage, you can set up an automation that will label them with an MMI tag as soon as they are pushed into Bonzo and enter that stage. This will help organize these new leads.

  2. Within the contact record in the "Details" tab, you will see a new tab labelled "MMI Agent Data." Click on it to see the visual data representations.

    Scroll down on this page to see additional data. Click on the black "MMI Profile" button to be immediately taken to their profile in MMI, or click on the "Google" button to be taken to the web browser to search for and add any missing info. to their profile.

    It's important to note that the Webhook does not update information in real time. The MMI data shown in a contact profile reflects the most current data at the time of the initial push. To update a record with new data from MMI, make sure your Webhook is set to merge duplicates, then resend the information by clicking the "Send CRM Push" button in your MMI account.

Viewing MMI Data in Your Realtor Portal

When Realtors are pushed over from MMI into Bonzo, they will automatically be labelled as realtors with the blue realtor "building" logo next to their name. You will be able to view them and their data, not only in your people tab, but in your Realtor Portal.

  1. To get to your Realtor Portal, navigate to your side bar and under the "Data" dropdown, click on "Realtors."

  2. Here you will see a list of all of the realtors in your database as well as a toggle in the top right for MMI enhanced fields. When this feature is enabled, you will be able to see all the MMI enhanced data for your realtors by scrolling to the right including, "Performance," "Agent YTD Buyside Volume," "Agent Active Volume," etc. You will also be able to copy and click on a link that will immediately bring you to the realtor's "Fast Facts" profile in MMI.

Utilizing MMI Data as Merge Tags

After pushing MMI Enhanced data over into Bonzo, you have the ability to utilize that data in merge tags throughout Bonzo. MMI merge tags are now distinguishable by their black color, while Bonzo merge tags remain pink.

  1. To utilize MMI merge tags, navigate to any campaign and click on an event message. Next to the "Person first name" pink merge tag, click "Show more."

  2. You will now see a tab for MMI specific merge tags. Scroll down the list to view and select the appropriate tag.

  3. As mentioned above the MMI merge tags will appear in black in your message. Once you've chosen your merge tags, click anywhere off the screen to exit the merge tag screen.

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Setting up an MMI integration with Bonzo is a straightforward process that can significantly enhance your workflow and data management. By following these steps, you’ll ensure a smooth flow of information between the two platforms, allowing you to focus on what matters most: growing your real estate or loan officer business.

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