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Chapter 7, Pipelines πŸ”₯

Bonzo's Pipelines streamline the mortgage process, from inquiry to closing. Customize stages, trigger automations, and track progress.

Updated over a week ago

Chapter Overview:

In this chapter, learn how Bonzo's Pipelines can help you create a seamless journey for your contacts from inquiry to closing. Access exclusive templates, personalize each stage, and track progress, ensuring timely communication and personalized engagement at every step.

Managing Pipeline Stages πŸ”Œ

Managing stages in Bonzo pipelines streamlines the sales process by organizing contacts based on their sales cycle phase or "pipeline stage." Start by creating clear stages like "Initial Contact" or "Proposal Sent," then link them to campaigns for automated engagement. Collapse stages, share stages with team members, and automate stage transitions to keep the sales process fluid.

Pipeline Automations ⚑️

Bonzo’s pipeline automations streamline operations, from timely messages to follow-up tasks, tailored to each stage. Navigate to "Manage Stages" to implement campaign connections for structured communication or event messaging for immediate interactions, all personalized with merge tags. With features like sharing contacts and stage-based movement, Bonzo pipelines optimize workflow and enhance the client journey.

Assigning Prospects to Pipeline Stages βœ”οΈ

Assigning contacts to pipelines in Bonzo is simple. Select contacts and use the "Move to pipeline" icon to designate them to a specific pipeline and stage. Remember to activate pipelines to enable contacts to receive associated event messages, and note that contacts can only be assigned to one pipeline at a time.

Importing Directly into a Pipeline Stage πŸ‘πŸΌ

Bringing prospects into your Bonzo pipeline is simple and intuitive. You can efficiently import contacts in bulk or add individuals directly into your pipeline, ensuring personalized communication from the start. Whether you're uploading a list or adding contacts individually, Bonzo ensures your engagement is both efficient and personalized, setting the stage for successful contact management or recruitment endeavors.

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