After logging in, follow these steps to post a job:
Click the "Post a Job" button on the homepage or at the top left-hand side of the screen.
Fill in your personal details, including your name, the type of art you're requesting, the location of the project, and the type of property, then click "Continue."
Provide the design details (such as your design process, ideas, tags, and reference photos), then click "Continue."
βNote: From this point, you can use the back button to edit details on the previous page.Enter the budget and timeline for the job, then click "Continue."
If the project belongs to an organization, provide the organization's details, or select "An Individual." Agree to the terms and policies, then click "Save and Submit."
Your job is now posted!
If you are not logged in:
Follow the first four steps listed above.
At the final step, provide your login credentials along with the necessary details to complete the process.
Note: Once your job is posted, it will be shared with artists in your location. Interested artists will reach out to discuss your job and provide quotes.