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Artist - How do I make a phone call to a customer?
Artist - How do I make a phone call to a customer?

How to make a phone call via your artist panel.

Jarina avatar
Written by Jarina
Updated over a week ago

You can now discuss jobs with customers via your Book An Artist mobile app. It's the easiest and most efficient way of getting the job done!

How do you make a phone call to a customer?

  1. The customer will send you a phone call invitation.

2. Once you receive the invitation, click on the call/phone icon at the top of your order screen or click on click to call button which is located in the chat.

3. Click 'Call now'.

4. Once the call is completed you'll be able to review the logs in your chat with the customer.

Note: The calls can only be done through your mobile app. Please remember to download the app for access to the calling feature.

Need help? Contact the support team via your artist panel by clicking on the support button.

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