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Artist - Mark the Job “complete” to receive the remaining funds.
Artist - Mark the Job “complete” to receive the remaining funds.

How the remaining payment is initiated.

Jarina avatar
Written by Jarina
Updated over a week ago

It is important to mark the job complete once the job is done to get the remaining payment.

When the artist is done with any of the jobs and is waiting for the remaining payment to be received, please ensure the job is marked “complete” in your artist panel/app.

Sometimes the client may forget to make the payment on time, so when you mark the job as complete it sends a notification to the client with the invoice to clear the funds within 7 days.

When the client makes the payment you will be notified and the payment can take 3-5 business days to be processed.

In some cases, the clients may pay the remaining pay in advance however the payment process will remain the same. It is equally important to mark the job “complete” as it triggers the systems and the accounts team get notified and then process the payment once the job is completed.

Note: Once the payment comes in from the client we transfer the funds to your account within 24-48 business hours.

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