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Artist - Add the photos to your portfolio while completing the job.
Artist - Add the photos to your portfolio while completing the job.

Add the latest artworks in your portfolio!

Jarina avatar
Written by Jarina
Updated over a week ago

Please follow the below steps below to add the latest job photos in your portfolio.

  • After the job is done, when you mark the job complete in your artist panel, click on the "yes" button.

  • After clicking on the "yes" button the next option you can add a rating and upload photos of the painting .

  • Click on the mark as a complete button and then Done once the photos are uploaded, and you will get another option to add the photos to your portfolio.

  • Click on the “Add to Portfolio” or “not now” button as per your preference.

  • Once you click on " Add to Portfolio", it will redirect you to your profile - portfolio page and the selected image will automatically add to the particular category. You can fill in the necessary details such as the description/ title/tags etc., and upload the image.

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