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What is Artist Membership?
What is Artist Membership?

Check out the soon-to-be-launching Artist Memberships on 29th Feb 2024.

Jarina avatar
Written by Jarina
Updated over a week ago

Your artist membership is determined by various criteria which are evaluated at the end of each month. E.g. Outstanding reviews and successful project completions will elevate your membership status to Gold Membership, increasing your visibility and attracting more traffic and projects your way.

Green Membership

To qualify & stay on Green Membership, artists must:

  • Be an active artist.

  • No open red flags.

You’ll get :

  • Access to open jobs (except high-value)

  • Access to client invitations on jobs.

  • Off-platform limit counter - 1.

  • No monthly fee

Silver Membership

To reach and retain the Silver Membership, artists must:

  • Be an active artist

  • Have completed 3 jobs with full payment

  • No open red flags

  • No incomplete jobs that are older than 90 days

  • Overall customer ratings of 3 & above

  • Winning 25% or more for Jobs that go Off-Platform (phone calls, emails, and site visits).

You’ll get :

  • Profile visible to our clients.

  • Access to open jobs.

  • Access to high-value jobs.

  • Off-platform limit counter - 1.

  • No monthly fee

Gold Membership

To reach and retain the Gold Membership, artists must:

  • Be an active artist.

  • Complete 5 jobs.

  • Booked a minimum of one project in the last 3 month

  • No incomplete jobs that are older than 90 days

  • No open red flags.

  • Average response rate of less than 24 hours.

  • Overall customer ratings of 4 and above.

  • Winning 25% or more for Jobs that go Off-Platform (phone calls, emails, and site visits).

You’ll get:

  • Priority Access to High-Value Jobs.

  • Higher ranking and visibility to our clients.

  • Top Artist Badge.

  • Priority support.

  • Off-platform limit counter - 2.

  • No monthly fee

PAYG (Pay as you go)

Under this model, you can purchase leads upfront (up to $1500) and don't have to pay a commission %.

Need help? Contact the support team via your artist panel by clicking on the support button.

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