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Widgets: Video

The Video widget allows you to to upload a video to your site or display YouTube, Vimeo or Dailymotion videos on your site.

Justin avatar
Written by Justin
Updated over 2 months ago

Widget Categories: Media

A short video can be the perfect way to communicate to your customers and show what your business has to offer, and is a great way to boost customer engagement and increase conversions.


  • Any file (text, image, video, and so on) uploaded to the system is publicly available. No personal and/or confidential information should be uploaded. To remove the file completely, delete the file from the picker.

  • Each site can contain up to video 100 files. Additional files result in an error message. The size limit per file is 200MB.

For information on adding widgets, see Add Widgets.


Fore more information on widgets and the widgets library, see Widgets: Library and Overview.

Content Editor

To access the content editor, right click the widget and select Edit Content. Or, if you are in flex mode or Editor 2.0, the option to access the content editor is available in the floating menu.

Site Videos (Uploaded and Free Stock Videos)

Click Select Video. The following are available options:

  • Select from the immediately available videos.

  • Click Full View to open the Video Library.

  • Click Upload to upload a video.

Once a video has been selected, the following options are available (site videos only, these options aren't available when adding a video using a link):

  • Customize Video:

    • Select a video thumbnail to be showed before the video plays

    • Show video controls.

    • Play video in loop.

    • Set video to autoplay. If this toggle is enabled, the video will be muted. This is a setting enforced by all major browsers.

    • Play audio. If you want audio to play, the Set video to autoplay toggle must be disabled.

  • Video Schema.


Uploading a video does not affect site speed if it is not being played on autoplay.

Video Schema

Adding Video Schema can help search engines better understand the content of the video and to influence how it will show in rich search engines result page (SERP).


Video Schema within the widget is only available for uploaded videos.

To add schema to a video widget:

  1. In the left panel, click Widgets.

  2. Click and drag the Video widget into your site.

  3. Click Select video.

  4. Select the desired video.

  5. In the Video Schema section of the Content Editor enter the following information:

    • Video name

    • Video description

    • Upload date

YouTube, Vimeo, or DailyMotion URL in the field provided


Make sure the video’s share settings in the original source are properly configured, such as setting it to public. Keep in mind that different platforms may have different options.

Enter the YouTube, Vimeo, or DailyMotion URL in the field provided.

Design Editor

To access the design editor, right-click the element, and click Edit Design. Or if you are in flex mode or Editor 2.0, select Edit Design from the floating menu to open the design panel.

For information about design options that are not specific to this widget (for example, layout, style, or spacing), see Widget Design.

FAQs and Troubleshooting


For more information on videos, see Media Guidelines and Specifications.

My video isn't working

The Video widget simply embeds the video on the site when using a link from a video sharing platform (YouTube, Vimeo, or DailyMotion). If the video is not working, it may be because the video has been removed or its share settings prevent it from being played. Make sure the video has the right sharing settings in the video's original source, including but not necessarily limited to setting it to public (different sources may offer different settings).

My video won't upload

Typically, this is a caching issue. However, we recommend you check that your video does not exceed 200MB. The maximum number of videos you can add to your site is 100.

The wrong thumbnail is showing

The thumbnail image is pulled from the YouTube, Vimeo, or DailyMotion settings. Try using the embed code that the video host provides and place that in using the HTML widget to see if the issue persists.

How do I choose the streaming quality?

The streaming quality depends on the limits that are available on YouTube, Vimeo, or DailyMotion. The user will be able to adjust the quality as they see fit using the settings icon in the video's original source.

Video loads too slow

Video load speed depends on the connection speed of the viewer.

How do I adjust the video dimensions?

The video widget does not automatically detect the dimensions of the original video. To adjust the widget to the video dimensions, click and drag the bottom right corner of the widget to resize it until it matches the video dimensions.

We also recommend turning off the Full Width setting on the design tab of the widget to ensure the dimensions are not changed.

Why is my video not autoplaying on the live published site?

The autoplay feature only works if the audio is muted. This is due to specific browser restrictions and is not exclusive to Website Builder sites. Read Chrome's documentation about autoplay (Firefox and Safari have similar restrictions as well). A device's settings may also prevent autoplay (for example, if low power mode is enabled videos may not autoplay).

To mute the audio and enable autoplay, click the video widget to open the Content and Design menu. On the Content tab, click Customize Video then enable the Mute Video and Autoplay video toggles.


You can only mute and enable autoplay in the editor for videos you have uploaded from your computer. All other videos, such as Youtube, Vimeo, or Daily Motion, must be updated within the settings of the original source. For example, a Youtube video needs to be muted in Youtube settings.

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