Although it would be enough to know your EIN for conducting your daily business, you may need a copy of your EIN confirmation letter in other situations. Before you start searching for the letter, know that this letter would be in Form CP 575. So, if you have Form CP 575 with you, you already have the confirmation letter. The IRS typically mails this form within ten (10) weeks of approving your EIN application.
If you can't find your confirmation letter, you should put together some relevant information so that the retrieval process becomes easier. First off, if you only need the number, you need not locate the confirmation letter. You can find the number from your bank records, previous tax filings, or your business communication with the IRS. You may need to know some details to confirm your identity to the IRS β for example, your business address as it appears in the IRS records and the type of form that your business uses for filing tax returns.
The easiest way to get a copy of an EIN verification letter is to call the IRS. Follow the below process to obtain a tax ID verification letter from the IRS:
Call the IRS support at 800-829-4933.
Provide the name of your business and other verification details like business address and phone number.
Request a 147c letter; this request is free.
If your contact information is the same as what you provided when applying for the EIN, the IRS can send you the verification letter through the mail or by fax.
If your contact information has changed, you can receive the verification letter only after you file a Form 8822.