How to add a cover photo in Bookipi Proposal
Learn how to add a cover photo to your proposal with these simple steps to give it a more professional look and help it stand out.
Step 1: Click ‘Proposal’.
Click on 'Proposal' in either the Dashboard menu or the left-hand panel of the screen.
Step 2: Click ‘Create’ or open a draft proposal.
Click ‘+ Create’ to start a new proposal, or choose a draft from your list.
Step 3: Select the ‘Details’ tab.
Go to the ‘Details’ tab.
Step 4: Add a proposal cover.
On the left side, add a cover for your proposal. You can either design one on Canva or upload an image. Supported file formats are JPG and PNG.
Step 5: Fill in the other details.
Complete the rest of your proposal details in the other tabs.
Step 6: Click ‘Send’.
Once you’re satisfied with your proposal, click 'Send' to submit it to your customer.
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