How to transfer between wallets
Learn how to transfer an expense or income between wallets in the Bookipi Expense mobile app. Watch our step-by-step video guide below:
Here are the steps to transfer an example 'pizza' expense from your business wallet to your personal wallet.
Step 1: Open Wallet
On the wallet screen, tap the 'Wallet' from which you want to transfer an expense.
Step 2: Select an Expense
Tap on the 'Pizza' expense (or any expense you wish to move).
Step 3: Choose Wallet
In the 'Wallet' section, tap the dropdown to see options.
Step 4: Select Wallet
Tap the wallet where you want to transfer the expense.
Step 5. Save Transfer
Tap the checkmark icon (β) at the upper right to save the transfer.
You have now successfully transferred an expense from your business to your personal wallet.
Discover more tutorials for Bookipi Expense mobile app
Discover more tips on how to get the most out of Bookipi Expense mobile app with our Bookipi Expense guides.
Want to send invoices easily? Download theBookipi Invoice mobile app and check out our Bookipi Invoice mobile app guides.