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Accepting Card Payments FAQ
Accepting Card Payments FAQ

Read our frequently asked questions (FAQ) for accepting card payments on Bookipi Invoice

Written by Cristofer Cox
Updated over a week ago

Frequently asked questions include:

How does accepting card payments work?

Bookipi Invoice has partnered with Stripe, a payments platform. You can accept card payments from customers straight from your invoices in Bookipi Invoice.

When you first create an account with Bookipi Invoice, the ‘accept credit card‘ feature is automatically enabled. This feature allows your customer to enter their credit card details. However, your customers aren’t charged until you sign up to Stripe.

How do I set up card payments?

Method 1 - Web

  1. Log in to your Bookipi Invoice account.

  2. Click ‘Enable BookiPay’ from the Dashboard.

  3. Start the Stripe signup process. Stripe may request additional information to verify your identity and business. Make sure you complete this process to successfully open an account.

Method 2 - Web

  1. Log in to your Bookipi Invoice account.

  2. Go to Settings > General Tab > Enable Accept Card Payments

  3. Start the Stripe signup process. Stripe may request additional information to verify your identity and business. Make sure you complete this process to successfully open an account.

Is it free to accept credit card payments?

It’s completely free to sign up! However, you are charged merchant fees when you make a transaction.

What are the merchant fees for accepting card payments?

Stripe merchant fees vary depending on your country and the types of cards your customers use.

My information has changed for my business. How can I update this on Stripe?

Log in to your Stripe account with the email and password you used to set up your account. If you have misplaced your email or password for your Stripe account, contact Stripe support. Stripe support can assist you in accessing your account.

Which countries are card payments available in?

Currently, card payments are available in the 46 countries connected with Stripe.

How long is the waiting period for the first payout for card payments?

If you have set up Stripe, your first payout may take 7 days to reach your account. This delay in the first payment’s settlement allows Stripe to mitigate the risk of providing credit services to merchants.

After the first transaction, payouts will usually take about 3 business days and can be monitored through your Stripe dashboard. The payout schedules vary depending on your industry and the country you are operating in.

Is there a minimum value for transactions/invoice values?

There are minimum and maximum charge amounts on Stripe depending on the currency the transaction is in.

How long does it take for a refund to be received/completed?

Up to 10 business days depending on the business bank account.

I received an email that my customer tried to pay me but I haven’t set up credit card payments. How do I get paid?

Your customers are able to input an intent to pay via credit card with our ‘accept card payments’ feature. Your customers’ cards are not charged until you have successfully signed up with Stripe.

In the email notifying you that your customer has tried to pay you, select the button to signup up with Stripe to start getting paid through card payments.

You can sign up from your Bookipi Invoice app by enabling ‘Accept Card Payments‘.

Transactions through Stripe incur a per-transaction fee and payouts are subject to a waiting period.

How do I turn off the accept card payments feature?

To turn off the accept card payments feature from the mobile app:

Go to More > Settings > Customer payment option > Turn off the ‘accept credit card payments’ toggle > Select the Tick in the top left hand corner.

To turn off the accept card payments feature from the web app:

Go to the Business icon in the top right > Settings > General > Turn off the ‘Hanging payments‘ toggle

My payment is showing incomplete. How can I get this paid?

The invoice is logged in Stripe when your customer opens an invoice. If your customer doesn’t enter their card details to pay you, the invoice will show as ‘incomplete‘.

To fix this, your customer can simply reopen the invoice and enter their card details in order for Stripe to process the payment.

If your account is still showing incomplete payment after your customer has entered their card details and has been issued a receipt, please reach out to our support team at

How secure is Bookipi Invoice card payments?

Stripe has been audited by a PCI-certified auditor and is certified to PCI Service Provider Level 1. This is the most stringent level of certification available in the payments industry.

Bookipi is also ISO27001 certified by the approved information security auditors, Compass Assurance.

I have ‘accept card payments’ turned on and I manually marked my invoice as paid. Can I still get paid through Bookipi Invoice?

You can’t accept card payments from customers if you have manually marked an invoice as ‘paid’. To fix this, please remove the manually marked payment from the invoice. Then, reach out to our support team at We can refresh the invoice to be paid.

Discover more tutorials for Bookipi Invoice on Web v2

Discover more tips on how to get the most out of Bookipi Invoice on Web v2 with our Web v2 guides.

Make sending invoices anytime and anywhere even easier by downloading Bookipi Invoice mobile app and check out our mobile app guides.

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