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How to sort your proposal on the Web App
How to sort your proposal on the Web App

Learn how to sort proposal on the web app

Michelle avatar
Written by Michelle
Updated over a week ago

How to sort your proposal on the Web App

Learn how to sort your proposal on the web with these simple steps:

Please note that the documents will be displayed in the order they were created. With the sort feature, You can arrange them based on the following criteria:

  1. Proposal Status

  2. Proposal Title

  3. Customer's name in alphabetical order

  4. Amount

  5. Date

To use the sort feature, just click on the arrow icon next to the desired sorting option.

Sorting by Proposal Status:

Once you click on the arrow button next to Status, the proposals will be sorted according to these statuses:

  • Draft

  • Sent

  • Read

  • Accepted

  • Declined

  • Completed

Sorting by Proposal Title:

To sort by Proposal Title, click on the arrow button next to Proposal. The initial click will sort them in descending order (Z-A).

Sorting by Customer:

When sorting by customer, your customers will be organized in alphabetical order. On the first click, the items will be arranged in reverse alphabetical order (Z-A).

Sorting by Date:

When sorting by Date, your proposal will be sequenced from the previous to the latest date or vice versa.

Just continue to click the arrow button until you have sorted them according to your preference.

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