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Use the calendar
Anton Lindell avatar
Written by Anton Lindell
Updated over 8 months ago

Learn how to use the calendar to get an overview of bookings over time.

Open the Calendar from the menu. The calendar opens to the current date if it is displayed in Product View, or to the current month if it is displayed in Month View. The view you are seeing is indicated in the top right corner.

Navigate through dates or months by clicking the arrows, and search for bookings using the magnifying glass. You can also adjust the calendar view settings. These settings are described later in the article.

Month View

In Month View, you see all bookings for the current month. Each day shows the bookings for that day in descending order. For days with many bookings, the total number of booked products is also displayed. Initially, bookings are labeled with the customer’s name, but later in the article, you’ll learn how to change this label to another field.

Product View

In Product View, starting from the selected date in the date picker, you see the products that have been booked, how many, when, and for how long. By scrolling to the right, you can view the occupancy day by day and hour by hour for upcoming days. The product name shown is the internal name you have set in the product settings.

Note! Only main products are visible in this view; add-on products are not shown.

Filter View by Product

To filter by product, click the filter icon to open the filtering tool. You can then select which products should be visible in the list.


You can change the appearance of the calendar by clicking on the three vertical dots in the top right corner,. You can:

  • Choose between viewing the calendar in Product View or Month View.

  • If in Product View, specify the time span the view should cover: 24 hours, 7 days, 14 days, or 30 days.

  • If in Month View, select how many bookings should be visible per day by choosing a number from the drop-down list.

  • For bookings in Month View, you can also choose how they should be labeled using the 'Label on Calendar Event' setting. You can select from various standard fields available for your facility (e.g., first name or phone number), as well as one or more custom fields and additional customer information.

  • Choose whether calendar events should be marked with a category symbol or not. Category symbols indicate the product category that the booked products belong to. Read more in the following article about how to create such category symbols.

See details about a booking

From the calender veiw, you can see all the booking information about a single booking by clicking on the booking, or the booked product (if you're in the product view), to open a booking window.

In this window, you can see the customer name, booking ID, the duration of the booking, and which products were booked, along with the payment information. You can also mark the booking as started and ended, and open the boking in full in a new window.

Costumize the Booking window appearance

If you want to see more customer information in the booking window, click the pencil icon in the top right of the window for Extra Booking Information.

Here, you can modify the extra booking information associated with the product. This could include details like participant age or registration numbers. Read more about how to add extra fields.

Use the calendar to quickly get an overview of the number of bookings and booked products over time ✅

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