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How to sell stamp cards
Anton Lindell avatar
Written by Anton Lindell
Updated over 8 months ago

Learn how to sell stamp cards

A punch card is a type of value code that can be used a certain number of times, typically for specific products or experiences such as sauna or kayak rentals, and it provides a 100% discount on the product price. The punch card is a type of voucher and appears alongside your other main products in the booking view. Read more about value code types here.

Note! Vouchers and discount codes are not the same as value code types. Avoucher type is something you can sell to the customer and is displayed as a product in the booking view. When a customer purchases a value code type, a voucher code is created that can be used for booking. Voucher codes and discount codes can be created manually by you, for example, if you have a campaign or similar.

How to Create a Stamp card

  1. Navigate to Products > Value & Discount codes, and go to the settings tab.

  2. Here you can find Vouchers sold. Click on "Create new value code type".

  3. Configure the settings for the stamp card. The following settings are important:

    • Value type: Choose stamp card(100% price reduction).

    • Maximum usable value per use: Set this to the price of the activity/product.

    • Active for sale: Must be activated for the punch card to appear in the booking view.

    • Usage limit: Specify the number of times or "stamps" the stamp card can be used.

    • Price: Set the selling price of the punch card.

    • Can be combined with other codes: Activate if you want the punch card to be combinable with other vouchers and discount codes in the same booking.

  4. Click "Save"πŸ”’ whe you are done.

  5. If this is the first value type code you are creating, you need to activate the sale of vouchers for them to appear in your booking view. Go to Value & Discount Codes > Settings > Sales of codes, and then activate "Activate sales of value codes".

Example: We create a value code type with the name "10-stamp card for kayaking". Kayaking costs 200 SEK for one time.

  1. Click on "Create new value code type".

  2. Name the stamp card (e.g., 10-stamp card for kayakiing.

  3. Set value type to "Stamp card (100% price reduction)" and enter the price for the punch card as well as the VAT rate.

  4. Set the Maximum usable value per use to the price of the activity (e.g., 200 SEK). This means thath 200 SEK will be deducted from the booking value when the code is used.

  5. Select only the products that the stamp card should apply to (kayaks in this case) under Valid for all products.

  6. Under Usage limit, enter 10 to create a 10-stamp card. You can also set the usage limit per day to 1 so that the customer can only use the stamp card once per day.

  7. Save! πŸ”’

Done! You have now created your first stamp card. βœ…

Usage of the Punch Card

When a customer buys a punch card, a voucher code is automatically generated, which the customer then receives in the booking confirmation. When the customer later wants to use the stamp card, they enter the code when they fill in their contact details.

Stamp cards are a perfect way to create added value for your regular customers πŸ™Œ

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