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April 25th, 2024 Update

Learn more about the update on April 25th, 2024.

Dave avatar
Written by Dave
Updated over 11 months ago

At Booster Prep, we are always striving to improve and make learning more enjoyable. As such, we actively release periodic updates based on student feedback to enhance your experience. Below are updates that are planned to be added on April 25th, 2024.

  • Dental School Statistics (DATBooster Only) - This page is back with a beautiful new overhaul! You can now see detailed statistics for every dental school. Please note that our team will require 1-2 weeks to upload all the individual school data.

  • Daily Warmup Notifications (All Products) - You can now set up daily warm-up notifications through the account settings page to receive a daily reminder.

  • Cross-outs and Highlights will now save (All Products) - Moving forward, all of your crossed-out option choices and highlights will now be shown when you review questions. Additionally, when you open a specific question bank or test, it will reset so you don't see previous highlights.

  • New Question Bank Stats (All Products) - We've redesigned the question bank sidebar and subject pages to include more details about your progress and to make the reset button more prominent.

  • Marked Question Improvements (All Products) - The Marked Questions system will now automatically flag questions as "Reviewing" if they are answered incorrectly and "Mastered" if they are answered correctly. This will save you valuable time, as you no longer need to flag each question individually.

  • Game Challenges Animation (All Products) - We've added new animations for the Game Challenges to improve your experience.

  • Account Sharing Trigger Improvement (All Products) - Unfortunately, we've had many instances of account sharing in the past, which has led to account theft and other related issues. As a result, we have a zero-tolerance policy for account sharing, as it violates our terms of use. In this upcoming update, we've significantly improved our detection of account sharing. If you are currently account sharing, we highly recommend you immediately stop as your account will get flagged, locked, and permanently banned.
    ​Note: Using multiple devices does not count as account sharing. We understand that you may want to access your account through various devices, such as a laptop, iPad, or phone.

πŸ™‹Like this update? We truly value your feedback and ensure it will be heard! Feel free to reach out to our team and suggest features you'd like to see added. Our team works fast so your suggestions could be implemented within a few weeks!

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