At Booster Prep, we are constantly working to enhance your learning experience. As such, we have updated the study schedules across various platforms to incorporate all the latest updates to our products.
Update Details:
New Study Schedule Cover
Added "1.1 Introduction to PAT", therefore all remaining videos in Keyhole series are shifted by 1 video and now end with 1.11.
Replaced the 'Feralis-Booster Biology Chapter 1' notes with the newly pre-released 'Chapter 1: Cell & Molecular Biology.' These notes are specifically designed to complement the accompanying videos.
Added recently added Biology Videos:
Circulatory System
Muscular System
Skeletal System
Endocrine System
9.6 Central Dogma of Genetics
9.7 RNA World Hypothesis
Added recently added General Chemistry Videos:
5.2 Net Ionic Equations
Removal of non-tested Geometry videos and practice questions (for DATBooster & OATBooster only). Please note that geometry is still indirectly tested on the exam. Therefore, any remaining geometry content on Booster is still relevant and important. You can learn more about the changes related to the Geometry section here.