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Geometry Update (OATBooster)

Learn more about recent changes to the Geometry section in May 2024.

Dave avatar
Written by Dave
Updated over 9 months ago

Many students have been asking whether geometry is tested on the exam because the ADA guide does not explicitly mention it. As a result, we have been closely tracking the Geometry section from student feedback for several months. After thorough analysis, we have decided to remove Geometry as a major section in OATBooster's quantitative reasoning section.

While geometry is not tested directly on the exam, geometric concepts can still be incorporated into questions (e.g., calculating the area under a graph). Therefore, understanding fundamental geometric principles, such as basic formulas for finding areas of shapes and the Pythagorean theorem, is beneficial for the exam.

What changes have we made?

  1. We have removed the Geometry category from practice tests and question banks as it is not an official topic tested accordingly to the ADA.

  2. We have removed all the geometry videos that contain information not tested on the exam, however, we have kept four videos related to calculating areas, circumferences, and the Pythagorean theorem. These videos have been added to Quantitative Reasoning sections 1.8 - 1.11 as these concepts can still be tested on the exam.

These changes will help you save valuable time by eliminating unnecessary concepts, allowing you to focus more effectively on the material that is more likely to be tested on the exam.

For more information, the video below (from the newly added 1.8 video) explains how geometry is tested on the exam in more detail.


So what do I need to know for the OAT then?

  • Anything covered on Booster is fair game. If you encounter any geometry content in Booster videos or questions, it means that concept has been recently tested on the exam.

Can I skip the "coordinate geometry" section?

  • No. As mentioned above, anything remaining is there for a reason and is still testable.

Is the study schedule updated to reflect these changes?

  • Yes, the latest version of the study schedule includes these changes.

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