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Create and manage time slots

What time slots are and how to create them

Updated over 4 months ago

General info

There are 2 types of time slots: Available and Busy

Available time slots represent periods of time where personnel is eligible to be booked for services. Available time slots are generally only used for personnel whose work schedule is set to "Calendar" (since they are considered as unavailable by default). However, they can be used as exception cases for personnel who have regular schedules.

For example:

A staff member's work schedule is set to "Open business hours": available on weekdays from 9 AM - 5 PM. Exceptionally, they are available to work extra hours on Friday, from 7 PM - 10 PM; in this case, you would create an available time slot for them for 7 PM - 10 PM on that day.

Busy time slots represent periods of time where personnel is not available to be booked (busy time slots are hidden from clients in the booking widget). They can be used for time off or general unavailability; see here for more info.

How to create a time slot

  1. Go to the "Calendar" tab, then select the calendar of a staff member.

  2. Right-click on the area you want the time slot to be created for, then click "New time slot".

  3. Choose the time slot type

  4. Confirm the start and end time.

  5. Add a description (optional).

  6. Click Save.

Available time slots will be displayed in the calendar as a white block, whereas Busy time slots will be displayed as red blocks.

How to copy/paste time slots

If you have many time slots to create, copy/pasting them will save you time. You can either copy/paste individual time slots, all time slots of a given day or all time slots of a given week.

Individual time slots

To copy an individual time slot, simply right-click it, click "Copy", then paste wherever you see fit.

All time slots of a given day

  1. Right-click the date that contains the time slots you want to copy; the chosen day must contain at least 1 time slot. Click "Copy Day":

  2. Right-click the date that you want the events to be created on; click "Paste Day":

All time slots of a given week

  1. Right-click any date in the week that contains the time slots you want to copy; click "Copy Week":

  2. Navigate to the week you want the events to be created on; click on any date, then click "Paste Week":

When pasting a day or week's worth of time slots, you will be asked whether to replace or add to the existing time slots on the chosen date.

  • If you select "Copy time slots", all copied time slots will be added to the existing ones on the chosen date.

    • *Note: this can lead to overlapping time slots.

  • If you select "Replace all time slots", all existing time slots on the chosen date will be removed in favor of the copied ones.

If the day or week you copied contains time slots AND group events, you will be prompted to choose which elements to be included in the pasted data; see here for more info.

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