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MRP Walkthrough
Updated over a week ago

Harnessing the full potential of Bottleneck’s MRP system for sales forecasting can streamline your production and inventory management.

Step 1: Setting Up Your Forecast

  • Navigate to the Sales Forecast Module: Start by logging into Bottleneck and accessing the Sales Forecast section.

  • Initialize Your Forecast: Select the 'Create New Forecast' button.

    • Specify Dates: Click on the start date field, and a calendar will pop up. Select today’s date, then select an end date one year from now.

    • Choose Your Interval: Click on the interval dropdown to select 'Monthly'.

Step 2: Inputting Sales Projections

  • Enter Demand Projections: For each product and sales channel, input the expected monthly demand.

    • Click on the '+ Add Product' button to include a new SKU in your forecast.

    • Enter the quantities for each distributor or sales channel.

Step 3: Generate and Adjust Production Scenarios

  • Consolidate Forecasts into Production Plan: After entering sales data, click on the 'Generate Production Scenario' button.

  • Identify Shortfalls: Look for any red badges indicating where demand exceeds supply.

  • Adjust Production Dates: Directly click on any cell with a red badge to bring up the editing option and change the production date.

Step 4: Confirming and Fine-Tuning Production Schedules

  • Check for Alignment: Ensure the updated cells now show a green badge.

  • Double-Check Scheduling: Click on the green badge to verify the details of the adjusted production run.

Step 5: Managing Raw Material Procurement

  • Review Current Inventory: Go to the RM Forecast tab and cross-verify current stock levels.

  • Address Shortages: Click on red badges to create POs for low-stock items.

  • Optimize Orders: Show how to adjust quantities for bulk discounts and click 'Combine Orders' to merge with existing POs.

Step 6: Finalizing and Executing the Plan

  • Issue Purchase Orders: Once the orders are finalized, click 'Issue PO' to generate the order in the system.

  • Review Issued Orders: Check the 'Issued Purchase Orders' tab for accuracy.

Conclusion: Your Roadmap to Efficient Production Planning

With Bottleneck's MRP system, you’re equipped to create a more predictable and efficient production environment. Follow these steps, supported by visual guides, to ensure your food and beverage business stays ahead of demand and maintains optimal inventory levels.

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