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Building a Concessions Store
Building a Concessions Store

How to use the Stores area to build out an area to sell concessions.

Updated over 2 months ago

This is how to build a concession store on the Bound Admin that you can use to sell items in person at your school concession stand.


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Navigate to the Bound Admin for your school. Click on the business icon and choose stores.

On the top right click "Add Store".

Select that it is "Concessions" for the category. Give it an identifiable name, and a description if you wish. Double check that the school year is correct. Enter a Start and End date to give a range that the store will display (by default it ill enter the current day as the start date, and the last day of July as the end date). Then select the correct Stripe account. For most this will be the Bound Stripe Account (Connected). Click "Create Store".

Adding Products

After the store is created to add items click on the "Products" tab, then in the top right corner click the "Manage Products" button and select "Add Product".

For the product add in a name and price. You can add a description if you wish.

After clicking "Create Product" you can add an image if you wish. Click on the "Upload Photo" button to bring in an image for the product.

Placing Products in Groups

After you create products you have the option of putting them into groups. The advantage to this is to allow easier navigation to products on the S700 screen. To make a group, navigate to the "Groups" tab and then click "Add Group".

Give the group a name, then at the bottom of the screen you can add products to the group using the drop down menus.

Using Product Options

An alternate way to add products is using product options. In the example below you could call a product "Candy", then put the types of candy in the options area. You will need to set the product fee to $0.00, and then give each option its own fee. The category would be set to add on. The radio button on the category should be set to "Require at least one option and allow multiple to be selected on purchase."

The advantage to this set up is another way to simplify navigation when selling concessions using the S700 reader.

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