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Creating Rental Setups

How to create and manage Rental Setups for facility reservations.

Updated over 2 years ago

A Rental Setup is a grouping of your schools's venues, facilities, and/or spaces, and specific reservation application settings, that can be selected and filled out by someone requesting to use a facility.

Creating a Rental Setup

1. Begin by logging in and going to the Venues tab on your dashboard.

2. Click the "Rental Setups" tab, and then click "New Rental Setup" button in the upper righthand corner.

3. Enter a name of the Rental Setup, a description, add a file (if applicable), mark if this Rental Setup is for staff reservers only, mark if reserver can choose a cash payment option and cash payment instructions (if applicable), and then select the Venues that you'd like to be included in this Rental Setup. Then click Save.

4. Now that the we have the basic info entered, we can finish building out the specifics of this Rental Setup using

5. Click the "Facilities" tab to select specific facilities from your previously chosen venues to include on this Rental Setup.

6. Click the "Spaces" tab to select specific spaces from your chosen facilities to include in this Rental Setup (if applicable).

7. Click the "Questions" tab to add custom questions to the application process for this Rental Setup. You can add as many questions as you need using the "Add Question" button, and can select the type of response you want (Free Form Response, Select Response From List, and Upload File), using the "Answer Type" dropdown menu.

NOTE: All custom questions will require a response when someone is filling out an application using this Rental Setup

8. Click the "Contract" tab to setup the Facility Use Contract for this Rental Setup. These Contract's can be be autogenerated once someone has submitted a facility use application to the school. Enter the name of the Entity offering the facilities for reservation (likely the school district), that entities official address, the specific contract terms, and the name and title of an official from that entity.

(Click here for more info on Facility Use Contracts)

9. Click the "Policy" tab to setup the Facility Use Policy page. This page allows you to show your school's facility use policy and have someone agree to it as part of the facility request application process. This is different than the actual contract for an application, and doesn't need to be added to the Rental Setup if for example that Rental Setup is intended for Staff use only.

10. Once setup, this Rental Setup can now be used to create a Facility Use Application. Below is an example of how someone would experience a Rental Setup when creating an application from their Reserver account.

Summary of Creating a Facility Use Application

Click "Create New Reservation"

Select a Rental Setup

Accept / Decline the Facility Use Policy (if applicable)

Fill out reservation info and enter the specific reservation dates and times. Then submit the application.

Once submitted that application will show on the Reservations page in the Reserver's account. Reservers can use this to see the status of their applications and the specifics of each (applications can't be edited by the reserver after submitting).

If a school generates a contract for an application, click the green document button on the left hand side of the screen to view the contract.

Click the "contract" link to view the contract, then their name as an electronic signature, and click Accept to officially accept the contact terms.

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