80/20 summary - what to remember
- you can create multiple workspaces (eg. 1 per client)
- you don't need to pay multiple times for your team members, you only pay ONCE
- you can easily navigate between multiple workspaces
- you can centralize billing under 1 account
- we have agency clients getting AMAZING results (read end of the article)
- not possible to have 1 plan on PRO and 1 plan on Essential
Breakcold Agency Costs Calculator
this is a calculator to SIMULATE how much you will pay for your team members and client's accounts
Link of the calculator: LINK
0°) MUST-WATCH VIDEO to set up Workspaces/Invite your team members & billing
Watch this video to understand how to set up Breakcold for your team and for your clients.
Scneario 1: You are paying for your own seats including your client's seats
Scenario 2: you are paying for your own seats but not for the ones of your clients (they pay themselves their seats)
This scenario doesn't exist. It's too complicated to manage as a SaaS and also will make the experience of your client very messy (trust me we tried, it was ugly, everyone got mad).
Arrange yourself with the client to bill them more in your agency's invoice if they are paying themselves for the product.
If for some reason, your client really doesn't wan you to pay for his account, then your client will have to pay for his seat and your seats (there are NO workarounds).
1°) You can create multiple workspaces for each client
For Example:
- you have 1 workspace for customer A
- you have 1 workspace for customer B
- you have 1 workspace for customer C
Each workspace can have 1 or multiple people:
example 1: workspace of customer A includes 2 of your team members managing 3 profiles for the same client/company/entity.
example 2: workspace of Customer B includes yourself managing 1 profile only.
Agencies usually prefer to have a dedicated workspace for each client instead of managing it inside 1 because it looks unprofessional, especially if you invite your customers inside the workspace.
2°) Pricing system for agencies: why it's a good pricing for you
If you're managing multiple workspaces for clients, we won't charge you multiple times for your own seats.
You have 4 customers, each customer equals 1 seat and you have 1 workspace per customer
You have 3 team members including yourself
You want to take the $59/mo plan for each seat
You will pay $413/month instead of $708/month because we won't charge you each time your team members are in another workspace like most CRMs or similar systems. We charge you per UNIQUE SEAT paid.
3°) Do you still think that it's expensive? Here's how to cut costs
You can always take the annual plan to get -50% on what you pay (contact the support for this special discount) or the quaterly plan -20% on what you pay.
Can I reallocate the workspace to different customers in the future if they leave for an annual account that I bought?
4°) How can I benefit from the pricing of the agency formula?
Please contact support@breakcold.com - we'll have to manually update your account to make it works.
5°) LinkedIn safety & recurring questions
Read this.
Beyond this article, what you need to remember is that you need to have the client connecting themselves their LinkedIn account to maximize LinkedIn safety so that it's connected in their IP location.
That way, if a team member for example lives in Dubai and manage a LinkedIn account from a client in Portugal, there will be no problems because all the actions will be reputed made from Portugal, to the closest location of the client (ie. his city).
6°) What if I was using Breakcold before the new unified billing system?
If you were using Breakcold before the new unified billing system, your settings might look a bit scary because:
You have 1 workspace and 1 organization for EACH client
So long story short, if you had 10 workspaces for 10 clients, you have 10 different organizations so it's a mess
Read and watch this, if you are convinced that you should merge everything into 1 billing account, then reach out support@breakcold.com and ask for everything to be merged in 1 organization.
Make sure to use this calculator to know what you will pay if you decided to merge everything.
7°) Case studies of Agencies using Breakcold
Jeremy closed $20,00/mo in 65 days: link
Alex closed $60,000 in 2 weeks for clients: link
Xavier closed $14,000 in 2 weeks with the free trial: link
Jani closed $70,000/mo in 6 months: link
Matteo closed $52,000 in 1 week: link