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A comprehensive guide that delves into the concept of signals, step-by-step instructions on setup, and practical advice on actioning them.

Chris Moen avatar
Written by Chris Moen
Updated over a week ago

Table of contents

  • What are signals?

  • Setting up signals

  • Team collaboration for signals

  • Implementing actions for signals

  • Notification management

  • Sending signals to HubSpot

What are signals?

Signals are opportunities intended to be acted upon, either individually or collaboratively with team members. Defined by specific signal definition, each signal is represented by a visual flag on the corresponding object and persists even if the definitions are no longer met. Users can create views for exploration and signals for prioritization, with the option to mark any given object as actioned. This approach establishes a comprehensive and flexible system for filtering, monitoring, and prioritizing actions within the workspace.

Here are some examples of signals on company and person level.

Setting up signals

Signal can easily be created in two ways:

1. Via the view module:

This route is optimal if you wish to explore the combination of various filters while simultaneously observing the number of matching objects before creating a signal.

2. Through the main signal settings:

Access all previously created signals in a clear and organized manner. This option is ideal if you want to bypass the exploration phase. Additionally, you can create a view later based on the signals if necessary.

Important: If you do changes to an existing signal definition you'll be asked to do an action that can't be undone. The following description will be shown during in the application as well.

Team Collaboration for signals

Collaborating with your team members is seamless, as you can:

1. View all signals created by everyone on the signal settings page.

2. Access a detailed change log for each signal, including naming changes, filter updates, and more. See who updated and when.

3. Identify who actioned a signal and when it was done directly from the views module.

Implementing actions for signals

Actions serve as a mechanism for marking an object that has been addressed or processed. This could involve personal contact, registration of acknowledging the opportunity, or any other defined resolution. The definition of an "action" is flexible and is meant to be customized by you and your team based on your specific needs and workflows.

When creating a signal through a view, you gain the ability to generate datapoints related to the signal you've created, action is one of the them. More specifically, you can access the following information:

  • Timestamp of when an object received the signal

  • When you or a team member acted upon that signal

  • Details about the person who took the action

This functionality allows you to:

  • Prioritize addressing the most recent incoming signals

  • Ensure that you only respond to signals that haven't been addressed yet

  • Easily identify the team member who took a specific action on a signal, facilitating coordination and collaboration within your team for any clarifications or questions.

Notification management

When you set up notifications for a signal, you now get linked directly to up to 3 object profiles so that you can jump straight into a new opportunity and dive into the detailed insights

With each notification, if there’s more than 1 new signal, you’ll also get a link to a view with all the new signals so that you get straight to the meat of the matter.

Here's the alert in Slack:

And here's through Gmail:

To manage your notifications enter your Profile settings

Visualizing signals on objects

All signals will show side by side on the object page allowing you to take better actions while browsing through the object and ensure that you don’t waste time actioning something that has already been addressed.

Sending signals to HubSpot

See all your signals and manage them directly in HubSpot. For example, if a new object becomes a PQL, you can send this to HubSpot, and it will show up as a new property on the object in HubSpot. You’ll even see what date the object became a PQL.

How to send:

1.After creating your signal click into your HubSpot integration page and thereafter Map new connection. That will take you to the flow of choosing the newly created signal (you can also send Scores and Properties!).

2. You'll see a preview of how it will reflect in HubSpot down on the right corner.

3. Next step will be for you to either choose an existing Property in HubSpot or Create one from Scratch directly in HubSpot

4. After clicking on Done the property will create itself and you'll start sending the signals to HubSpot within minutes.

Here's how the property and value will look like in HubSpot

Watch how our CEO goes through the setup:

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