To enhance security, we have updated the access permissions for the online store.
Only admins can access the store's full dashboard. While coaches may assist with managing product pages and handling manual payments, their access will be limited to specific sections.
How to Share Access with a Coach
If you are an admin and would like to grant a coach permission to edit a product page, you will need to share the URL with your coach.
We outline specific steps of how to do this below.
For the page to load correctly you will just share the last portion of the link.
Coach Permissions
A coach can access the dashboard from the Payment & Store Button. They will have access to the following pages:
A product page in edit mode
The ability to create a new product page
The "Collect Payment" tab
If a coach tries to access a tab outside of this list, such as Subscriptions, it will not load.
Steps to Share a Page
Locate the URL of the page you want to share.
Identify and copy the second half of the URL.
Share this portion with the coach.
The coach will append this to their existing URL to gain access.
If your URL is:
You will share:
The coach will then add this to the end of their URL to correctly access the page.
By following these steps, admins can securely grant coaches the necessary permissions without compromising broader dashboard access.