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Weight Room Mode Tutorial

How to use our Split-Screen functionality in Weight Room Mode on the Tablet app

Lauren Johnson avatar
Written by Lauren Johnson
Updated over a year ago

Weight room mode is a great feature to use to train multiple athletes at a time on the same screen. In this tutorial, we run through how to use weight room mode and provide suggestions on when to use the different versions available on the tablet app.

*Please note this feature can be purchased as an add-on for Personal Trainer packages. Learn More*

Two common workflows for split-screen weight room mode:

Scenario 1: Mounted on racks or stations in a facility

Athletes enter the weight room and independently select their profile on the tablet to pull up their workouts for the day. They can go through can complete their workouts directly from the tablet.

Scenario 2: Used as a coaching tool while in person with a group of athletes

Coaches can select a group of athletes and begin their workouts for them, fill out the appropriate information, and track progress from weight room mode!

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