Workout on the Fly: Getting Started

How to begin a workout on the fly from your tablet

Written by Emily Fobben
Updated over a week ago

Note: Workout on the Fly is only available on tablets.

Workout on the Fly allows for you to create a workout independent from the rest of your program. There are a few ways to start a workout on the fly. We will cover all 3 ways:

From Weight Room Mode:

  1. Enter weight room mode from the home, team or athlete page

  2. Select your team and athletes that you will be training today

  3. Select “New Workout"

  4. Select the athletes you wish to start a Workout on the Fly for

  5. Start building your workout on the fly by selecting exercises, a template workout, or a template block.

From the Home Screen:

  1. Click on the "+" button on the top right corner of the home screen

  2. Select "Create Workout on the Fly" from the pop up menu

  3. Select a team and your athletes

  4. Start building your workout on the fly by selecting exercises, a template workout, or a template block.

Note that the first exercises/workout/block you select will be assigned to all athletes selected, and then from there edits will be individual.

From Athlete Profile:

There are multiple ways to begin a Workout on the Fly from the athlete's profile depending on the type of program they are assigned. We will cover each way below.

From the Athlete Home Screen:

  1. Select the athlete you would like to create a Workout on the Fly for

  2. Tap the "+" in the top right corner

  3. Select "Create Workout on the Fly"

  4. Select any additional athletes you wish to assign a workout on the fly for

  5. Start building your workout on the fly by selecting exercises, a template workout, or a template block.

From a playlist program:

  1. Click on the day of the calendar you wish to add a workout

  2. Tap "Select a Workout"

  3. Tap "New Workout"

  4. Select any additional athletes you wish to assign a workout on the fly for

  5. Start building your workout on the fly by selecting exercises, a template workout, or a template block.

If an athlete has been assigned Workouts on the Fly before:

  1. Under "Program", select "Workouts on the fly"

  2. Click on the day of the calendar you wish to add a workout

  3. Select "Open in Weight Room"

  4. Select any additional athletes you wish to assign a workout on the fly for

  5. Start building your workout on the fly by selecting exercises, a template workout, or a template block.

From a calendar program:

  1. Navigate to your athletes profile

  2. Tap on a calendar date where a workout has already been assigned

  3. Select "New Workout" at the bottom of the workout screen

  4. Select any additional athletes you wish to assign a workout on the fly for

  5. Start building your workout on the fly by selecting exercises, a template workout, or a template block.

We hope you find this article helpful! Please reach out to us at for any questions.

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