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Setting up a Testing Day

A video walkthrough from one of our experts covering the two ways to set up a testing protocol for your athletes in the Builder.

Lauren Johnson avatar
Written by Lauren Johnson
Updated over 2 months ago

Get familiar with how to collect testing data in BridgeAthletic. In this 15 minute tutorial, Charlie Steffens (VP, BD @BridgeAthletic) walks through two common workflows to track test results of your athletes.

Workflow #1: Delivering a testing day to your athletes

  • Open the builder and create a new workout

  • Select your testing exercises

    • eg. Broad Jump, Vertical Jump, Barbell Bench Press

  • Add Required sets and choose what you are testing for

    • Broad Jump - Max Distance

    • Vertical Jump - Max Height

    • Barbell Bench Press - Max Reps @225lbs

  • Save your testing day as a template!

    • You can either assign it as its own playlist or add it directly to your athlete's program

  • Your athletes can now complete their testing day on their phone or on tablet and fill out their testing results.

Bonus Tip 1: Here is more info on how to monitor their results from the Activity Report and save their testing results.

Bonus Tip 2: You can also manually enter Test Results for your athletes from the team page. Navigate to your team > Enter Test Results > Select the testing Exercise > Enter your data! (Note: this is only available on Web)

Workflow #2: Tracking your testing data with a custom form (survey)

  • Create a custom form that you can use as your testing questionnaire

  • You can fill out the form on behalf of your athletes from their athlete profile page on web or on tablet

  • [coming soon] you can customize your forms and assign them directly to your athletes so they can fill them out directly on their phone!

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