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Tracking Payment History in the Online Store
Tracking Payment History in the Online Store
Lauren Johnson avatar
Written by Lauren Johnson
Updated over a week ago

Visibility is key in managing a business. In the Payments tab of the Payment & Store dashboard, all payments have information displayed to help coaches best understand the status of each.

The payment history tab shows the status of any charge, this includes each charge issued within a subscription, one-time payments, and invoices. Below are the different statuses you may see next to a payment and the reason.

  1. Failed:

Payments can fail for a number of reasons. Next to any failed payment, there is an 'i" icon showing the reason the payment failed. Admin can connect with their athletes to resolve the issue with this payment or create a new payment.

For failed payments, we added the ability to quickly create a new payment. To do this, click on the three dots to the right of the payment details and select the new payment type. The athlete's information will automatically load and you can choose to email the invoice so a new payment method can be used.

2. Incomplete:

These are charges that do not have a payment method attached yet. For example, when a one-time payment is created and the invoice is emailed. These "pending" payments will appear with this label until successful.

Invoices can be resent to remind users to complete the payment. This is done by clicking the three dots to the right of the payment.

Note: These payments will show under the "failed" filter.

3. Canceled Payments

Canceled payments are invoices that were manually voided by an admin or a canceled checkout.

Canceled Checkouts:

Canceled checkouts show only for one-time payments that were not completed. These are checkouts that were started but abandoned before completion. The user's email is listed next to the cancelation so they can be contacted if desired.

Note: These attempts will initially show as "canceled" in the dashboard. After 24 hours Stripe updates the status to canceled checkout and the dashboard will update as well.

4. Refunded:

Payments can be refunded or partially refunded. A refund can be issued in a few ways:

  • An admin manually issues a refund for a payment.

    • Note: When a subscription payment is refunded it does not cancel the subscription. The subscription will need to also be canceled.

  • A subscription is manually canceled and a refunded option is selected.

If a partial refund is issued, it will be labeled, and hovering over the "i" icon will display the amount refunded.

Why a partial refund happens:

  • An athlete is manually deactivated by an admin/coach before a subscription is canceled. Our system will automatically issue a partial refund.

  • An admin manually cancels a subscription and selects a partial refund.

5. Successful:

These are the payments that have been completed successfully. If a one-time payment has a description added it will appear under description. For subscriptions, the description will show "subscription creation". For the months following the description will display as "subscription payment".

Admin can click on the user's name to view which subscription the payment was associated with and view if they have multiple subscriptions. Read more about this below.

Customer Details:

Each athlete's name can be clicked on to view more details. This will display all subscriptions, active or canceled, and all payments. From this pop-up, additional payments can be created.

These tools should help to scale online businesses and help to make managing members more seamless. If you have any questions please reach out to us at

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