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Manually uploading test results
Lauren Johnson avatar
Written by Lauren Johnson
Updated over 11 months ago

Upload test data from your session or historical data so it is attached to your athlete's profile. Data can be uploaded for an individual athlete or for a group of athletes.

Begin from either the team page or the athlete page. Click on "Enter Test Result".

Next, click on "Select an exercise". You can only upload a test for an single exercise at a time.

All your saved tests will open. This is how you can create specific tests and continue adding data to it. Some test examples are Max Reps @ 225 lbs, or 3 rep max, etc.

You can choose one of these tests or choose to create a new test if you're testing for something different.

We selected "Add New Test". Here we will need to enter what we are testing for, additional parameters, and create a unique name.

Next, select your athletes.

Now it is time to enter your test data.

If you are entering data for multiple athletes and they have the same value. For example, they both did 3 reps, you can select "apply all".

Lastly, if you are entering historical data, you can change the date for the test as well.

This data can now be viewed under "test results" on the athlete's profile, pulled up in different reports, and will update your athlete's 1RME for that movement.

If you have any additional questions please reach out to us at

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