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Exercise View on Tablet

Platinum Feature - look at a single exercise for a group of athletes with this view

Lauren Johnson avatar
Written by Lauren Johnson
Updated over 8 months ago

Exercise Tracking in Weight Room Mode

Tracking exercises and entering data during a weight room session is made easy with our Exercise View. Whether you're monitoring individual lifts or tracking progress for a group of athletes, this view allows for efficient data entry and management. Below, we outline a few workflows to help you get the most out of this feature.

Toggling to Exercise View

First, you will need to start a Workout:

Begin workouts as usual by selecting an athlete or athletes in Weight Room Mode. Your selected athlete(s) will appear in the familiar layout that we call Athlete View.

To track a specific exercise or enter data for a group of selected athletes, switch to Exercise View.

Tracking Exercises in a Started Workout:

If the exercise is part of the started workout, the prescribed sets will auto-populate.

Tracking Exercises NOT programmed in the started workout

If the exercise is not included in the started workout, you have two options:

  • Add the exercise to the workout in Athlete View and toggle back to Exercise View

  • Start a new workout using the "Exercise on the Fly" option for that movement. (Continue reading for steps on how to do this )

What is an "Exercise on the Fly" Workout?

An "Exercise on the Fly" workout allows coaches to track data for an exercise outside of a started or assigned workout. This workout is saved under the Workout on the Fly program and can be built directly from the Exercise View.

Creating a New Exercise on the Fly

Creating a new "Exercise on the Fly" allows you to track specific exercises individually. This feature is useful for pulling up exercises in different tabs to monitor lifts or track the work your athletes are doing.

How to start an Exercise on the Fly as a workout

Select an Exercise and Athletes: Begin by selecting the desired exercise and the athletes you want to track.

Add new athletes to your Exercise on the Fly tab by copying prescriptions:

If you add additional athletes to this exercise, you can quickly copy the exercise prescriptions from another athlete and paste the sets for the new athletes.

Completing the Workout

Marking the Workout as Complete:

When the training session is finished, click "Mark Workout as Complete" to save the workout. The completed workout will appear in your athletes' calendars.

As you go through the workout, you can toggle between Athlete View and Exercise View or just pull up specific lifts in Exercise View.

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