Contacts Report

Quickly pull contacts or view missing information for parents, family, approved pickups, and emergency contacts by students.

Sabrina avatar
Written by Sabrina
Updated over a week ago

The student contact report is a great way to pull an updated list of all contacts associated with a specific student. This report can be filtered by Room, Student status, and type of contact. You can also choose to check the box for 'Show missing contacts' to identify any students who have contact gaps that need to be corrected.

Review our resource on Contact Types: Parents, Family, Approved Pickups, and Emergency Contacts to learn more about what level of access the different contact types have.

Table of Contents

Create Report

  1. Log in to your account on the web

  2. Click to open the Reporting page

  3. Under 'Student reports', select Contacts

  4. Use the Rooms, Student status, Type of contact(s), and Show missing contacts filter options as needed
    💡Check the 'Show missing contacts' box to locate gaps in contact information that need to be updated (like Emergency Contacts for all students!)

  5. Click Apply to view the report with the designated filters applied

  6. Click Export or Print

  7. If exporting, select the recipients to send to and click the orange Send button

Custom Contacts Report

With brightwheel's powerful Custom Report Builder, it allows administrators to pull student and staff contact data within your brightwheel account and offers flexibility to organize that data in a way that best fits your program. Review our Custom Reports Help Center article for more details.

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