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Pause Billing Plans

Pausing a student’s billing plan makes it possible for admins to temporarily stop new charges from being added to a student’s statement.

Hadleigh F avatar
Written by Hadleigh F
Updated over a week ago

This content is for our legacy billing platform. Update to our newest experience!

The ability to pause billing plans allows administrators to temporarily suspend new statements and charges from being created. This is particularly helpful if a student is out for an extended amount of time but is expected to return. Once a plan is paused:

  • Pending and recurring charges will still be posted unless an Admin deletes them

  • Parents will not be notified about new recurring charges

  • Any currently pending charges will be added to the next statement

  • Administrators may still send one-time charges

  • Plans can be resumed at any time

When a plan is paused, parents are still able to pay towards their current balance or pre-pay to build credit on their account that will be credited towards future statements. Administrators are also still able to send immediate one-time charges which will not impact a student’s plan status.

Table of Contents

Pausing a Plan

Prior to pausing a student’s billing plan, make sure that this is the most appropriate action by confirming the anticipated return date. If the student is expected to be out for less than one full billing cycle, it’s recommended to simply add a credit to this student’s account rather than pausing.

Make sure to pause the plan after the last intended recurring charge(s) and statement has been posted. After a plan is manually resumed or the pause duration has expired, the plan will resume and Pending Charges will be posted in accordance with the set statement schedule.

Administrators can pause a billing plan easily from the Plans tab in the Billing section of brightwheel.

  1. Locate the student whose plan needs to be paused

  2. Use the drop-down located in the Plan Status column and choose Paused

  3. Select the duration for which the plan should be paused and verify the information that will populate

  4. Click Pause Plan to confirm

*Please Note: If you need to bulk pause multiple student billing plans please follow these instructions.

The following are the different options available when pausing a plan. These will be based on the statement intervals that were selected when the plan was created:

  • Weekly Plans: Defaults to 1 week and can be increased by 1-week intervals up to 24 weeks

  • Bi-weekly Plans: Defaults to 2 weeks and can be increased by 2-week intervals up to 24 weeks

  • Monthly Plans: Defaults to 1 month and can be increased by 1-month intervals up to 6 months

  • Pause until I resume manually: The plan will remain paused until manually resumed by an administrator

Resuming a Plan

Paused billing plans for a specific duration of time will automatically resume after the predetermined number of billing cycles. This can be checked at any time by locating the student’s billing plan in the Plans tab and filtering by paused plan status. All paused plans will display a small calendar icon that will show the date the plan is set to resume.

If needed, paused plans can be returned to active status immediately at any time. Also, if you choose to “Pause until I resume manually” you can follow these instructions listed below to resume a student’s billing plan.

  1. Navigate to the Plans tab and locate the student whose plan needs to be resumed

  2. Use the drop-down located in the Plan Status column and choose Active

  3. Review the information provided in the pop-up and click Resume Now to confirm

*Please Note: If you need to bulk resume multiple students paused billing plans please follow these instructions.

Billing Plan Statuses

Billing plan statuses can be used to filter students on the Overview and Plans tabs by using the Billing Plan Status filter. These statuses include:

  • Active: This student has an active billing plan that is sending statements regularly

  • Paused: This student has a billing plan that has been paused and is temporarily not sending statements

  • None: This student does not have a billing plan

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