Billing Summary Report

[For Admin + Billing Only role] Quickly see all student charges and credits, grouped by item type, with totals for each category.

Hadleigh F avatar
Written by Hadleigh F
Updated over a week ago

Brightwheel has begun releasing our new billing platform for new users. If the content in this article does not match what you see in your account, please click here for related content in your account.

The Billing Summary report provides a high-level view of all the charges, credits, and payments a center has accrued over a given date range. This report will display cumulative transaction totals that are separated based on their category. This report is compatible with a Profit & Loss Statement.

This report can be viewed from the Billing portion or Reports section of brightwheel online. By default, the report will list all of the transactions on your account in the last 30 days. To further filter this report, follow the steps below:

  1. Use the date picker to select the Start and End Dates

  2. Select the Student you would like to report on if desired

  3. Click Create Report

The online view of this report will immediately display containing the following columns:

  • Transaction Category: The hight level grouping of similar transactions

  • Transaction Item: The grouping of all transactions with the same label

  • Quantity: The total number of times this transaction occurred in the timeframe

  • Total: The aggregated total for that category or item in the timeframe

Print or Export this report as needed!

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