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Adjust Invoices

[For Admins + Billing Only Role] Learn how to adjust posted and unposted invoices as needed.

Sabrina avatar
Written by Sabrina
Updated over a week ago

Admins can adjust an invoice before or after it posts to a student’s account. The actions an admin can take depends on whether or not it is posted.

Adjust an Unposted Invoice

If an invoice has not yet been posted to a student’s account, meaning the payer has not yet received it, the charges can still be changed. Follow the steps below to locate upcoming, unposted invoices on a student's billing profile:

  1. Log in on the web

  2. Open the Billing page

  3. Jump to the Students tab

  4. Click on a student's name to open their billing profile

  5. Jump to the Upcoming Invoices tab and the next four invoices will be visible

  6. Once the invoices are visible, click Edit invoice to make changes

  7. The following changes can be made on an unposted invoice:

    1. + Add Charge: add new charges to the invoice

    2. Click Actions then Edit charge: edit the Description,Notes, Amount, or Discounts

    3. Click Actions then Remove charge: delete a charge from an invoice; if all charges are deleted a $0.00 invoice will post on the post date

Adjust a Posted Invoice

If an invoice has already been posted to a student’s account (it has been sent to payers), it will be visible under the student's billing profile on the Open Invoices tab (if unpaid) or the Available credits & payments tab (if already paid).

  • View Invoice: view the invoice to review what was charged

  • Edit Invoice: admins can make the following edits:

    • Edit the invoice Notes

    • Reduce a charge

    • Void a charge

  • Pay Invoice: admin can log an offline payment against the invoice

  • Unapply Payment: if a payment was applied to an invoice, the admin can unapply it; if payment is unapplied, it will be added as a credit to the account and will be automatically applied to the next posted invoice

  • Void Invoice: Available under the Actions menu at the top of the invoice, this will void all charges within the invoice; if a payment was applied to an invoice that was voided, the payment will be added as a credit to the account and will be automatically applied to the next invoice

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