1st Step: Add a video.
In the Digital Offer tab > Videos & eBooks > Click on "Add" > Fill in the form.
Fill in the form :
Add an IMAGE. Here you need to add the image that will act as a thumbnail on the video presentation. Attention the size of the image must not exceed 2,5Mo. This step is fundamental for the registration of the form.
Add the title of the video
Choose the category of the video
Choose the level
Choose the teacher
Choose a cost in credits (or leave at 0 for free access)
Choose 'Unavailable for purchase' if you want to make the video invisible to your clients
Choose if the video is rented or always unlocked
Add a description
Click on "Save".
2nd Step: Upload the video.
To upload a video it is preferable that it has been compressed before.
To upload the video click on "Draft".
Select the desired option between ebook, YouTube video or Vimeo video:
Youtube or Vimeo