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Monetize a VOD playlist

The objective of this training is to teach you how to set up the sale of your VOD playlsit.

Kevin Bagayoko avatar
Written by Kevin Bagayoko
Updated over a week ago

1st Step: Create a video playlist.

⚠️ Add some videos from the same category to this playlist. Let's take "Pilates" in our example.

2nd Step: Create a pass specially dedicated to this playlist.

Go to Products > Pass > Create a new pass

Fill in the form:

  • Name

  • Price

  • Tax (if necessary)

  • Number of credits equivalent to the number of videos in the playlist

  • Validity period of the pass

  • "Starts on billing date"

  • Check the box "Provides access to VOD as long as it is valid over time"

  • Check the box "Only for VOD"

  • Check the box Pilates, in the categories

3rd Step: Check that the countdown of credits is enabled for the videos.

In Digital offer > Video library click on the little pencil of every video in order to check that every countdown is well on "1".

If the cost in credit is on "0", the video will be accessible unlimitedly.

If you need more information on our online offer, see this section !

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